(13) my beautiful, beautiful y/n

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You just sigh and look at Andrew and Raine gets the message.

Andrew looks between both of you and says, "What? Am I so wrong for wanting to match with my lovely (y/n/n)?" 

"Yes. Yes you are," you say jokingly as you get into the bed.

Raine laughs and says, "Well I just wanted to ask you Y/N if you could go out with Laurie for the morning so that we can get everything ready for the proposal."

Your eyes widened a bit, "Me?"

Raine nodded.

"Yeah of course I'm just kind of scared I might spill the beans," you say laughing nervously.  

"You'll do perfectly fine darling, don't worry," she says as she gives you two thumbs up,  "Okay well goodnight. Rest well."

"Thank You, you too." "Thanks Mum." You and Andrew say at the same time. 

The door closes and you both are left in the dark.  You yawn and cuddle into the sheets to get comfortable. Andrew sees this and smiles. He's next to get settled, but instead of cuddling into the blankets, he cuddles you. 

"Goodnight my beautiful, beautiful y/n," he hums into your head.

You hum in reply, simply too tired to respond properly. 

You both fall asleep peacefully.




As your eyes start to flutter open, the sent of pine wood and soap fills your nostrils. The smell of Andrew. You look up to find him admiring you. 

"Good morning darling," he says with a lazy grin on his face.

"I didn't know you were up, sorry if I kept you in bed," you say looking up at him. 

"I haven't been up long, don't worry," he says genuinely. 

You stretch and make a weird sound which Andrew laughs at. You both get out of bed and brush your teeth, wash your faces,  etc. (whatever is in your morning routine) 

After you finished washing up, you check your phone to see that it's 6:30 am. 

"It's only 6:30?!" you say as you show Andrew your phone.  

He laughs, "Well it seems so."

Then an idea popped into your head. You run down stairs to see if anyone else is up, and they weren't. Perfect. 

Andrew was running down the stairs and there you were smiling to yourself. "Why. why are you smiling to yourself?" 

"We should make breakfast," you say, "Wait can I go through your fridge?"

"Yes of course, why are you asking?" he says as he chuckles.

"I don't know, I just feel like it's weird to go through your fridge without asking," you say truthfully.

You start looking to see what they have and they have everything you need.




"Smells good in here," Laurie says.

Cherry Wine (black!fem!reader x hozier)Where stories live. Discover now