(17) homesick

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gulp... uhm hey yall...


You started packing your bags without a second thought. There was a slight twinge in your heart at the fact that you weren't celebrating Lauren and Jon on an important day for them. You were so happy for them--you really were--but you just couldn't look at him right now.

You didn't ever want to see him again. You didn't even want to think about him. It was the best just the best for both of you.

Right. What you were doing was best for both of you. You would hurt now and thank yourself later.

You had a million thoughts racing through your mind at once when the creak of Andrew's bedroom door brought you back to reality.

"Hey, Y/N what are you doing? Are you okay?" asked a soft, familiar voice.

You sniffled and wiped the tears you didn't even know fell from your eyes. "I think I'm gonna head back home," you said lowly, facing away from him. You knew as soon as you looked at him you would break down.

"What? Why? What happened?" the voice asked as it got closer to you.

"Nothing, just... homesick," you said unconvincingly. You felt two familiar arms wrap around your waist as you stopped packing.

"Andrew," you said warningly.

"You read the article didn't you," he said with a low whisper.

Even though you had only known each other for a week at most, he could read you so easily. "I was going to find out sooner or later," you said as you turned around to look in his eyes.

He took one hand from your waist and placed it softly and lovingly on your face. "Y/F/N, you are the smartest, most beautiful, amazing person I have met and my opinion is going to remain the same no matter what other people think."

"Well when it affects your career, I think it would matter," you pause for a minute, "I heard some of your conversation with your manager." You didn't hear much but you did hear his manager say something about his image.

Andrew didn't really know what to say. You weren't wrong; his manager really did call him to tell him to mind his image and career, but right now all he could think about was you. "Y/N," he said simply while he looked into your eyes.

He started to lean in and then you felt his soft lips against yours. You kissed back, but quickly realized what you were doing and pulled away. As you looked up you met Andrew's confused eyes.

"D-did I misinterpret somethi-," he said with a slight frown on his face.

"No, I-," you stopped, "I really like you Andrew, I do, but I can't be the reason your career is in jeopardy. I think it's just best if we go our separate ways." You really didn't want that, but you really couldn't stay.

"Look me in the eye and tell me that's what you want Y/N because as long as I am with you, I don't care how many fans I lose."



word count: 500

erm last time i posted was like 10 months ago and uhh a lot has changed including my writing style

anyway to all of yall who commented and starred my chapters,, thank you and you dont know how much it means to me

it has really pushed me to write again especially knowing that people actually enjoy my stories

i cant promise another chapter anytime soon, but i love yall and ill see you in the next one

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