(11) not a chance

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I am writing this on 11/9 and idk if imma get it to yall by this saturday. If god dont do it, it just wont get done. Its gonna take a miracle from god.


"Ma'am please step to the side for me," a TSA guard asked.

You stepped to the side as they started to pat you down. You honestly thought that they were gonna like detain you or some shit cause you never heard no types of beeps when you when walk through the thing.

"Alright, you're clear," they say.

"Oh, okay thank you," you say as you go to ur things that Andrew already took out and organized.

As you walk up to him you say, "I honestly thought I was going to get detained or some shit. Like the way that TSA officer was looking at me," you end with a light chuckle.

Andrew just gave a small nod as he didn't really know what to say. He knew that you were black of course, and he loved that about you. (not in a fetishizing way) Hell he loved everything about you. But being in the position he was, he didn't really know how to comfort you. I mean he was white and had never had to deal with things like that. If he were to hopefully ever be your partner, he would have to learn how you cope and such and he was ready, but at 7:40 in the morning at the airport, it probably wasn't the best time.

You put your crocs back on and return the bin as you an Andrew start to walk to your gate. You realize that you hadn't had breakfast yet, and he probably didn't either.

"Hey do you want to eat something, I'm kinda hungry," you say as you guys walk, keeping an eye out for breakfast places.

Andrew wanted to eat two things you and food. Especially since you were wearing his hoodie he left at your place. But he was pretty hungry and you guys were in an airport, so food it was.

"I could eat as well," he says as he smiles simply.

After a while you guys find a Dunkin' Donuts (or whatever you want to find) and get some food. You finally get to your gate and sit down. You guys are to board in about 10 minutes because the line for food was a little longer than you expect, but it's fine.

"Group A 1-30 please start boarding," the attendent says in a calming voice.

Your cousin was able to get you guys first class seats and honestly you owed her your first born for that. The flight was 11 hour long and you don't think you would be able to deal with being cramped for that long without getting sick.

"Oop that's us," you say putting your half eaten sandwich back in the bag.

While you were scrambling to compartmentalize all your things, Andrew already gathered all his things watching you with a smile growing on his face. You look up at him to see him just smiling at you.

You try to look mad at him, but it quickly turns into a smile. You jokingly push him, but he just keeps laughing at you. You finally finish and you guys start to board. You get to your seats and holy shit it's nice.

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Cherry Wine (black!fem!reader x hozier)Where stories live. Discover now