(16) 12.5 font

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every time i feel productive in writing a chapter, it fizzles away so fast. but anyway i hope you enjoy this chapter

its now october and i dont even know when i first starting writing this chapter... 😜 anyway enjoy this chapter 


Laurie stands there in shock for a second while tears run down her face. She nods a few times before saying, "Y-yes of course Jon, of course."

You hear cheers erupt from the bushes as Andrew, Raine, and John emerge from the hedges in the backyard. 

Right now you should be happy. You slip your phone into your pockets and plaster the best smile possible on your face as you emerge from your hiding place.

You join the group under the flower archway and congratulate Laurie and Jon genuinely smiling at their happiness. "Congra-," you start, but Laurie cuts you off with a bone crushing hug.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" Laurie says with a smile as she pulls back from the hug.

You beam as you say, "Perhaps."

"Thank you, Y/N, seriously," she says.

"Of course Laurie. I'm just glad I could help," you say.

"Hey darling, c'mere for a sec," Jon says, beckoning Laurie over.  She gave you a small smile before leaving you with your thoughts. One of them being that article. 

Andrew sees that you're finally alone and starts to walk to you. "Y/N," he calls out.

You see Andrew walking over to you and you knew why. It was to talk about the article. You appreciated his concern, but you needed some time to process everything. 

You give Andrew a weak smile as he jogs to you, wanting to talk to you as soon as possible. "Y/N. I-," he sighs before he starts again, "I don't even know what to say. Im so sorry."

You look up at him, seeing the regret in his eyes before saying, "Andrew like I said it's fine. I just need time to myself."

"At least let me-," his phone starting to ring. It was his agent calling. 

Andrew gave you an apologetic looks as he picked up his phone and started to walk away. You took the opportunity to go back inside the house and finish reading the article. 

You knew you shouldn't have. You should've minded your business--should have ignored it. But you couldn't. You needed to see what people thought of you. It was your first time in Ireland and you somehow managed to get the whole country to hate you.

You went into the bathroom, locked the door, and sat on the floor. You took a deep breath and started reading. 

"How could such a loveable Irishman fall in love with an outsider. Perhaps it's just a fling--we sure hope so." 

"Could she just be using him for his money? One would hope not, but what can you expect from someone like her."

As you started to get through the article, tears started to fill your eyes. You didn't know why. You shouldn't care about what they had to say--it wasn't true. But that didn't stop the falling of tears.

"Would Hozier really settle for someone like her?" "He could do so much better."

Could he do better?  you started thinking to yourself. You knew the answer to that. It was typed in Georgia 12.5 font sitting right in that article. 

He didn't need you. Hell, he didn't even have you. You guys were just friends.

"I should leave before I get hurt," you told yourself. 

You started looking for the soonest flight back to Chicago. You should be focused on your career, not on some... whatever you and Andrew were. 

hey yall...

we not gon talk abt how long its been. fr tho im sorry yall

im not even gonna say imma try better cause we both know damn well...

but anyway yall i love yall and ill see you in 30 years 😏

word count: 592

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