(12) my eyes are up here

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I know for sure Im not gonna be able to get this out on time. again

sorry im super bad with time management but yeah :/ sorry again but i hope yall had a good thanksgiving and enjoy the storyyy


The door opened and revealed a women with the brightest smile and ginger hair. You assumed it was his mother because of the way he'd talk about her. Her smile, bright like the stars; her hair red like the sun; her personality, bigger than giants.

"Andrew! oh and a new friend," she said as she hugged you and Andrew.

"Mom this is Y/N and Y/N this is my mom," he says as he pulls you closer.

You just look up at him and wiggle your way out.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Byrne," you pause for a second before saying, "uhm I'm sorry if I'm intruding I can just get a hotel room," you say as you look down.

"Please call me Raine and you are absolutely welcome, you are not intruding at all. Come on love," she says as she takes you inside leaving Andrew to get your things.

You walk in the house and you see three other people which you later find out are his father, brother, and soon-to-be sister-in-law. You guys sat at the couch and just talked. Similarly to how you met Andrew and talked. The room was filled with laughter for majority of the night though it was getting super late and you were tired.

"Well it's getting late and tomorrow's another day," Andrew said standing up and stretching.

"Yeah I imagine you are both tired from the long flight," Raine said.

"yeah," you say as you yawn.

"Oh, the uhm guest room is getting redone, so you and Andrew can room together, but if your not comfortable, Andrew can sleep on the couch," John said. (his dad)

"Wow, so Y/N's the favorite now?" Andrew says looking fake hurt.

"Yes," everyone said in unison.

You were just dying laughing as Andrew looked surprised.

"Wow, okay I see how it is," he said as he started to walk up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Are you okay with sharing a bed with him?" Raine asked to make sure you were okay with it.

"Oh Yeah, I'll be fine, thank you," you say as you hug her and start to walk back up the stairs.

"Ah, okay. Well goodnight love," she says softly.

"Goodnight," you say.

You walk to Andrew's room and knock before hearing a small 'come in' and opening the door.

raine's pov

"Do you think they are dating," John asked as everyone sat back down.

"Absolutely," Jon said. (his brother)

"No way. I mean they definitely like each other, but they aren't quite dating," Laurie said.

(laurie is jons girlfriend in this story)

I observed them carefully. When they were at the door, Andrew pulled her in and gave her a cheeky smile and she smiled back, but then pushed away almost as if it was an inside joke. I mean Y/N is such a beautiful soul, so I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew liked her.

"I agree with Laurie, but we have to get them together," I said as we started to devise a plan.

It was now around half eleven before we finished devising a plan. (andrew and yn got home at like 8 pm)

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