(6) who are you

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Enjoy the story!!!!!!

y/n/n - your nickname



"Yeah Y/N/N, what are you wearing tonight?" Genevieve asked. Genevieve Koul was one of your best friends you met sophomore year in college. You guys just kinda clicked. You could relate to each other on so many levels like being black and going to pwi's your whole life. She majored in chemistry, but you guys got your Ph.Ds together. 

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"Y/N/N, don't tell me you forgot. The banquet for the Ph.D graduates," she reminded you, "Girl how did you forget, you're literally getting like 3 awards."

"Oh shit, what time is it?"

"It starts at 8:00."

You sighed a sigh of relief. At least you had a couple hours to get ready and shit. "Thank goodness, okay thanks for reminding me."

Genevieve chuckled a bit, "Mhm. Oh, and you better show the fuck out with them awards you gon' win." 

You laugh a bit, "You already knowww." "Alright I'll see you tonight." "Okay bye."

You kinda forgot Andrew was there. 

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Yeah it's just- wait do you wanna come with me to like a banquet thing for my college," you pause realizing you've been dragging him around, "but I totally get it if you don't wanna go, I mean I've been dragging you around and I know you haven't been home in a bit an-,"

Andrew cuts off your rambling with, "Y/N, I'd love to go with you. And it'd give us a chance to wear these outfits out."

Your lips lift into a smile as you hug him again. You weren't a huge hugger, but when it came to Andrew, you were a big hugger.

You guys realized it was now 1:00 pm and you hadn't eaten lunch.

"I have no idea what we should eat," you say as you look through your fridge. It was always well stocked with snacks and such, but you weren't in the mood for making any food. 

"I'm kind of craving sushi,"  Andrew suggested.

"You know what time it is" you say as you look at him, but he just looked confused, "it's sushi time," you say as you attempt to do a moon walk. Key word attempt. 

Andrew laughs and says, "Nice dance."

You shoot him daggers jokingly, but he just continues to laugh. 

You guys order the food and in the mean time try to figure out what you should say for your speech.

<<<time skip  🤥

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Ill get it," Andrew says as you continue to type on your computer.

"Oh no, it's okay I can get it," you say as you start to get up.

"Y/N it's fine, keep working, okay," he says as he walks to the door. He gets the sushi, tips the driver, and closes the door. He sets the food on the table and washes his hands. You walk to the kitchen and start unpacking the food. 

You guys get the food and walk back to the living room and watch a documentary on the medical scam, Theranos. By the time you finish watching it, it's around 3:00 pm and you were kind of tired.

"I think I'm gonna take a nap cause we have a long day ahead of us and I'm tired," you say as you get up to stretch.

"Yeah I'm pretty tired too," Andrew says as he turns off the tv. 

You guys put the leftovers in the fridge and put the dishes in the sink and go up stairs to your room. You are already in lounging clothes so you figure you were just going to wear it to bed. You put your bonnet on and hop into bed. Andrew follows behind you jumping in next. You check your phone quickly for emails and stuff like that. As you are about to put away your phone Andrew says, "Y/N can I ask you question?"

"Yeah shoot," you say looking at him.

"Do I look familiar to you?" he asked nervously. He figured that if he was going to be going outside with you frequently, you guys would come across a fan. He didn't want you to find out from a fan rather than him. 

You stare at Andrew for a bit before you say, "Yeah, a little. Why? Wait are you like a murder or something," you ask jokingly.

Andrew chuckles a bit and then says, "No, but you know that song Take Me to Church?"

You look at him confused saying, "The one that goes like 'Take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies', that one?"

He laughs, "Yeah, that one."

"Yeah what about it," you asked even more confused.

Andrew sighs, "I'm Hoizer."

You just look at him and then it all clicks. Your face is just frozen.

Andrew starts laughing and then waves his hand in front of your face. "Hello?"

You snap out of it and after a short silence you say, "Hold up, hold up, hold up. Wait a damn minute."

You grab your phone and quickly look up 'Hozier' to find that his name was Andrew Hozier Byrne. You look at the pictures of him and then look back up him. Your eyes widened. 

He laughs a bit, maybe even nervously, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just, how did I not realize sooner. I mean not everyone you meet is a personified version of nature," you say laughing a bit.

"Wait so you're not mad at me for telling you now?" he asks relieved.

"No, why would I be, I mean I get it. But I am mad at you for letting me take you out without any sunglasses or anything," you say jokingly.

Andrew laughs and pulls you in to cuddle saying, "I don't think sunglasses would help conceal this," he says as he gestures to himself, "but thank you for understanding."

You chuckle a bit saying, "Maybe a hat would help." 

And with that, you both fall asleep.

I have actually changed this chapter a bit because I didn't really like how it was before. Anyway this chapter is coming in at 1001 words. The version before this was about 905 words so more content!! ANYWAY I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER


Cherry Wine (black!fem!reader x hozier)Where stories live. Discover now