Feeling Horny

309 3 0


First person,


1,149 word count.

Loki x fem reader

(I will be doing some Loki x male reader and some Thorki oneshots soon❤)


(Your POV.)

You had been reading in the common room for 20 minutes.  Everyone was gone except Loki and yourself. 

It was a rare occurrence for anyone to be alone here.  Most missions involved everyone now a days.

You and Loki however were unneeded as it was a basic ground and pound mission.

Laying on the chase you started to get twitchy.  It had been months since anyone had touched you.  There were just some days you thought you would crawl out of your skin you were so horny. 

This was one of them.

You put down your book completely unable to focus. Closing your eyes your neck leaned back onto the pillows.  Your hands tangled in your hair. Lush curls spilling around your head. 

The light enhancing the golden undertones of your chestnut mane.

A contended smile gracing your lips as your hands worked down to your neck. 

Fingertips sliding while your nails grazed your sensitive skin. Peaking over you spotted the god. Your hand dipping into your top to tease your nipple into a hard bud.

While you and the god didn’t like each other there a certain amount of respect.  Mingled with a decent amount of sexual tension.

“Loki.” You said grabbing his attention.

“Hmm.” The only response as he turned a page.  After a verbal sparring match that left you both bereft.  You had an unspoken agreement to keep the sass to a minimum.

“Are you busy?” One hand now stroking your inner thigh.

“Not particularly. Why?” He had noticed your movement.  Watching you out of a mirror that was angled so he may watch you.

You were other worldly for a midgaurdian.  The sexual chemistry between the two of you was enough for him to view you as fantasy.

Smirking you turned to face him.  Hand falling from your thigh only to dive into your panties.  Your finger teasing your clit as you felt your body slicken.

“Want to have sex?” Loki jerked momentarily startled by your surprising request.

Arching his eyebrow he turned to take in the full effect. One hand supporting your head.  Lips parted while your chest began to pant in time with your strokes.

His eye’s darkened to a stormy blue. Placing his book down while his hand stroked himself through his pants.

You were nearly irresistible, wantonly displaying your sexuality before him.  Slowly lifting his head into a nod.

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