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Summary: There was a confession of guards hearing moans coming from Loki’s chambers. One day, a guard bursts in to see him with a woman.


         Erik knew his position at the palace was a noble undertaking, coveted by many. As a guard, he was charged with the protection of the entire royal family and the guests of their court.

Those who had the lives of every Asgardian in their hands had placed their own lives in his keeping, and it was a task that was not to be taken lightly.

Though palace guards did not see battle as frequently as the soldiers did, their job was not without risk. Just a week ago, one of his friends had been killed by a rogue band of frost faints who had somehow managed to find their way into the weapons vault. In addition to the honor of his position, the pay was excellent.

His wages were more than sufficient to provide for his wife, Kirsten, and their daughter Ilsa. He was grateful for his income especially now, when Kirsten’s belly swelled with their second child, the infant soon to arrive; a son, he hoped.

Yes, he treasured his good fortune to have been chosen to be a palace guard.
                But by the Nine, it could be boring.
                Standing at attention from daybreak until sunset, with nothing to occupy his time outside of his own mind, was an unbreakable tedium.

Guards were forbidden to speak to each other while on duty, for fear of being too distracted to notice potential threats.

They were to be vigilant, tireless, and that took a much greater toll on him than it appeared. Not physically; his stamina had been honed until he could stand for days without faltering.

It was the mental strain that plagued him. Most days he found himself wishing that something, anything would happen.

                On this day, he was stationed outside the personal chambers of the young prince Loki. Not prince any longer, he reminded himself. The day previous, The Allfather had fallen quite unexpectedly into the regenerative sleep that renewed his power.

The duration of his rest was unknown, and with his oldest son banished, the crown had fallen to Loki. He personally had no qualms with the dark-haired, secretive prince; he was certainly intelligent enough for the daunting task of ruling Asgard.

                Lost in his musings, Erik almost didn’t catch the slight noise coming from the inside of the prince’s chamber. He and the other guard both glanced at each other, then inclined their heads toward the door.

There it was again; a tortured cry, small but piercing. Through the thick gilded doors, it was impossible to tell if the sound was male or female in origin, but as guards, they could not afford to waste time determining the gender of someone who could potentially be dying.

His heart pumping in anticipation of quick action, Erik gripped his spear and flung the door open, he and his comrade rushing inside.

                “My king-“
                Both guards stopped dead in their tracks. The source of the sound was indeed female, but it didn’t appear as if she was in any danger. She sat sprawled on the throne, the skirt of her plain servant’s dress pushed up around her hips as Loki knelt between her legs, his head bent and buried in her womanhood.

He wore his helmet, and the girl had wrapped her hands around the golden horns, using them to hold his mouth to her. Her cheeks were flushed with color, her eyes closed as she threw her head back and moaned with pleasure.

The instant the sound of the doors flying open reached them, both prince and servant stilled, ceasing the act of lovemaking they’d been caught in. The girl looked mortified, her hands flying away from his helmet as if she’d been burned, but as Loki raised his head and turned, he only looked annoyed.

                “Did I call for your assistance?”

                Erik shook his head, trying very hard not to look at the half-naked woman trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. “No, majesty, but we heard-“

                “I care not what you heard.” Loki’s green eyes were blazing in a way that Erik had never seen before; the brightness of anger and lust combined to form a fire that burned like a summer sun.

“If I require your aid, I will summon you. Until then, you will remain at your posts.”
                Erik bowed his head. “Yes, your highness.”
                “Leave us,” Loki commanded, dismissing them with a wave of his hand. The guards nodded and left, their steps hurried as they closed the door behind them. Well, Erik thought to himself, at least I can safely say that today was not boring.

                Once they were alone again, Loki turned back to the serving girl on his throne; a lovely young thing named Faula. He’d desired her for some time, and when he had seen her polishing the marble floors in his chamber today, he’d decided to indulge himself.

She had accepted his advances readily, whispering as he kissed her throat that she had wanted him as well. Even now, after such a tiresome interruption, she still looked at him with longing in her fawn-colored eyes.

His grin was wolfish as he settled back down between her long legs, palms pressed to the inside of her thighs to keep them spread for him.

“Now then, my pet…” He ran the tip of his tongue over his lips, tasting her essence and feeling a stab of arousal pierce through him as she moaned. “Where were we?”

This one was a short one..ik,sorry.. I've just been really busy with school lately. 😩

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