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Summary: Loki has liked you for a long time, but you were dating someone else. So what would happen when you break up and go to Loki for comfort?

Word count: 4,068


Loki stared coldly out at the city beyond the balcony’s glass railing, his arms crossed behind his back as he surveyed the rooftops and rushing car lights.

It seemed an understatement to say that he truly loathed this planet.

Besides being held here against his will by his own brother as a punishment, the almost barbaric world with its similarly uncivilised occupants, offered little to Loki in the way of interest or entertainment except for one thing in particular.

One thing that he wanted – that he needed – and was then forced to watch as it was taken away from him.

The skin over Loki’s knuckles stretched even paler than usual as his hands gripped one another in aggravated frustration.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door closing in the room behind him, his jaw also clenching in annoyance now at the thought of an unwanted interruption to his own self-pitying.

He feared it would be his brother seeking him, out of the apparent goodness of his heart, in an attempt to engage him in some form of small talk-like interaction before he would finally broach the subject of Loki’s foul mood.

Loki, however, had no intention of confiding anything to his brother, especially not in matters of his feelings or frustrations of the heart.

He would gain nothing from it, he was certain, and would never hear the end of it from his irksome brother.

Yet that was what was troubling him, his damn heart was overpowering his head, and as a man of brains and logic, it was very disturbing.

As a smart man, it should be clear to him that [Y/N] [L/N] was a Midgardian, not an Asgardian, and, due to that alone, she was not a suitable partner for him.

It should be clear to him that he had berated Thor for a similar attachment of the emotions to a human only a few years earlier. It should be clear to him that love – if it could be argued to exist – was a weakness and something he – Loki - could not afford.

And it should be clear to him that, even if all that didn’t matter, [Y/N] [L/N] was already taken – that her soft skin, her shy blushes, her flirtatious smirks, her gentles touches and witty, teasing comments… They would never be his…

“Loki?” As if thinking your name had somehow summoned you, Loki now dropped his hands in surprise, turning slowly to find you now stood in the doorway to the balcony, watching him with a confused, concerned frown.

You sniffed, “What are you – why are you still out here?”

“What time is it?” He asked instead of answering your question.

“It’s uh –“ You glanced down at your watch, though barely - as though it was just a habit and you in fact already knew what the time was, “it’s only nine,” You admitted, lifting your head again, “but I – uh – I thought you’d have already retired to your books by now.” You confessed, stepping out onto the balcony, the cold breeze immediately whipping across the ledge and pulling at your hair and the looser parts of your dress.

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