Chapter 5 Summer break

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It was in the middle of summer break. One day I woke up grabbed a book and went to the great hall. I grabbed some toast then went out side. I walked over to the whomping willow. I sit down under it's branch's and read. Half way through the book I hear the familiar voice.

" Hello y/n."

I look up and see professor Dumbledore.

" Hello Dumbledore."

" I have a message for hagrid would you mind going to his hut and telling him."

" Sure."

" tell him that Dumbledore says that if he would like to take the teaching job of care for magic creatures send a message with you."

" oh he will be so happy."

I jump up and close my book. I run down to Hagrid's hut. I knock on his door.

" Com'ing."

He opens the door.

" He'llo y/n what brin'gs you her'e."

" Dumbledore asked me at tell you that if you want to teach care of magical creatures to send a message with me."

" Teach'ing me oh I'd love to."

" Great."

I run up to the castle. I then run to Dumbledore's office.

"Lemon cake."

The gargoyle jumps out of the way.

" Hello Dumbledore."

" Hello y/n what did hagrid say."

" He said he'd love to."

" Great thank you."

I walk back to the whomping willow and sit back down. I continue to read my book. I see grandma rush out of the castle. She looks worried. She runs over to me.

" Get in the castle."


" I'll explain later."

I grab my book and go inside. 10 minutes later grandma comes in.

" Y/n I don't want you going out side alone anymore."

" But why."

" Because Sirius black has escaped from askaban."

" How."

" No one know but promise me that you won't go out alone."

"Ok I promise."

Grandma leaves. I walk up to the Gryffindor common room. (We are going to spend a lot of time in the common room during summer.) I got bored so I find grandma.

" Grandma Minnie can we go to hogsmeade."

" Did I not just tell you a mass murder broke out of a high security prison."

" Oh right sorry."

I walk down to the dungenes to see Snape.

" Hi professor Snape whatcha doing."

" Why is that your comsern."

" I was just wondering because I'm bored."

" Well go make your self useful and clean somewhere."

" No thank you."

" What."

I leave him before he could lecture me. I wish the school year could start already.

And another cringe chapter hehe. I'm sorry I promise they will get better during the school year.
Au revoir ❤️

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