Chapter 11 Hogsmeade

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Y/n's pov

Soon the first trip to hogsmeade had rolled up. Harry couldn't go.

"Go ask professor McGonagall." Ron says to harry.

"She will say no Ron." I say.

"How do you know?" Ron asks.

"I have lived with her for 13 years." I say flicking the back of his head.

We get outside. Harry walkes up to grandma. I see grandma shake her head. Harry comes back to us.

"She said no." Harry says sadly.

"Told you." I wisper to Ron.

"You guys better get going " harry says.

Harry starts walking back to the castle.

"I'm going to stay with harry I've been there loads of times," I say to Ron and Hermione" bye."

I run up to harry and jump on his back. He almost falls over but manages to catch me.

"Hello Harold." I say.

"Y/n why are you here you should be going to hogsmeade?" Harry asks.

"And leave you all alone no." I say

"But-" harry starts.

"And I've already been there loads," I say."now where to first."

Harry doesn't say anything but starts walking. We end up out side. I hope off Harry's back and run forward to the black lake. I hear harry chuckle behind me.

I sit down at the edge of the black lake. Harry joins me. He takes his jacket of and we use it as a blanket. I rest my head on his shoulder. His head rests on mine. Our hand find each others.

We sit taking about school and anything we can think of.

"Can you swim?" I ask Harry.

"Yea," Harry says"why?"

"No reason." I say.

I sand up and pull harry up with me.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks.

We were close to the water.

"Shush." I say leaning in to kiss him.

Then I push him into the lake but he pulls me in to by our conneced hands.

"I forgot we were holding hands." I mutter under my breath.

"Why do you do that y/n" harry says swimming to the shore.

Because it was fun.

I swim over to the shore harry holds out his hand to help me out. He pulls me out of the lake.

"That was a bad idea it's cold." I say shivering.

"Yes it was a bad idea." Harry says.

Harry graves his jacket from the grass and slips it over my head. I smile great fully at him. We walk back to the castle.we run through the halls and to the Gryffindor common room.

Harry says the password and we go in. I run to my room and change. I pull Harry's hoodie over my grey shirt. I go back to the common room.

Harry is sitting on a couch in front of the fire. I sit next to him.

"I'm going to go to the library," Harry says getting up "coming?"

"No I think I'll stay here." I say.

"Ok bye." Harry says.

He opens the portrait and leaves. I go to my room and grab my homework. I sit at a table to do it. At around 5 I go back to my room and put my homework in it.

I go down to the common room then to the great hall. I sit next to Hermione.

"Hey y/n." Hermione says.

"Hey Mione how was hogsmeade?" I ask.

Hermione explains about what her and Ron did. We eat then head back to the common room but there's a big crowd outside of the common room.

"What's going on?" Hermione asks.

"Nevilles probably forgot the password again." Ron says.

"Hey." Neville says from behind us.

"Sorry." Ron says.

I hit Ron in the head while Hermione lectures him.

"Let me through I'm head boy." Percy says.

"It's the fat lady she's gone." Ginny says coming back to us.

Dumbledore pushes through the crowd.

"Mr filtch get the ghosts and tell them to check every portrait try and find the fat lady." Dumbledore says

"There's no need she's right there." Mr filtch says.

The crowd turns to a painting of Africa where the fat lady was hiding behind a rock

"Dear lady who did this to you?" Dumbledore asks.

"Eyes like the devil. He's the one everyone is talking about. He's in the castle. Sirius black!" She exclams.

"Everyone into the great hall." Dumbledore announces.

Harrys hand grabs mine. I smile at him as we walk twords the great hall. We get to the great hall. The tables are gone but there are now sleeping bags. Grandma Minnie comes in.

Once grandma Minnie sees me she comes rushing over to me and hugs me.

"Your ok." Grandma Minnie says

"Yea I'm fine." I say.

"Now go to sleep and don't worry." Grandma Minnie says leaving.

I walk over to where the other three are. I sit in the sleeping bag in between Hermione and Harry. I lay down on my back and stare at the ceiling.

The entire hall seemed to have fallen asleep but me. I was still looking at the ceiling. I turn to my side to meet Harry's green eyes.

"Are you worried." Harry wispers.

"No you." I wisper back.

Harry grabs my hand and replies with "not anymore."

The doors open and grandma Minnie, Snape,and Dumbledore walk in.they walk over to where harry and I are. I shut my eyes quickly.

"Should potter be warned." Snape asks.

"Mabye but for now let him sleep. In sleep we Enter a world of our own. Let him sleep and the deepest oceans or the highest clouds." Dumbledore says.

I open my eye slightly to see grandma Minnie looking at mine and Harry's hands.

"Their like lily and James." Grandma Minnie says to Dumbledore.

"Ah young love." Dumbledore says.

They walk away. I fell my face heat up with what they said. I eventually fall asleep holding Harry's hand.

That was a lot of harry fluff. Grandma Minnie is the captain of their ship.
Au revoir ❤️
Word count:1000

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