Chapter 45 Number 12 Grimlinplace

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Y/n's pov

"Hurry up y/n." Grandma Minnie yells.

"I'm coming." I yell back.

I grab my bag and rush down to her office. She's bringing me to number twelve Grimmauld Place. She says that the new DADA professor would not be happy with a "child" around the school in the summer.

"Hold onto my arm we have to apparate a few blocks down." She says.

I hold onto grandma's arm. Everything starts spinning. I have sid-along apparated menu times so I was use to it.

"This way be quick." Grandma says walking fastly.

We speed walk down to Grimlinplace 11. Grandma Minnie stops in between 11 and 13.

"Where is num-" I start.

I was cut off by the buildings starting to move revealing a darker grey building. Grandma rushes up twords it. Then she disappears into the building.

I follow her in. The house smells damp, dusty, and like it was rotting. The place had the feeling of a derelict building.

"Sirius it's me Minerva McGonagall with my granddaughter y/n McGonagall you can come out now." Grandma says in a wisper.

Out of the shadows Sirius comes out. He looked different from the last time I saw him. He looked like he was eating more then rats. His hair was cut nicely and he had changed our of his Azkaban uniform.

"Hello again y/n." Sirius says.

"Hi Sirius." I say.

"Thanks for letting her stay here Sirius. I have to get going ." Grandma says.

"It's no problem Minnie the Weasley are coming later so I couldn't say no to y/n coming." Sirius says.

"Be good turtle." Grandma says kissing my head."I'll be popping in sometimes."

"Ok I will." I say.

Then she walks out.

"Ok kiddo you'll be staying in the first door up the stairs to the left." Sirius says.

I grab my bag that I dropped on the floor and head up the stairs. I turn into the room. It was pretty basic. There was a bed,a night stand, and a closet.

I unpack my clothes from my bag and flop down on the bed. I sigh. What to do now.


It's been two day. Y/n and Sirius had gotten into a routine. They would get up eat breakfast, clean, eat lunch, clean some more, eat dinner, they would talk about the Sirius' Hogwarts experience, then head off to bed.

The week was over. Many people from the order had came by including Remus,tonk,mad eye , and of course grandma.

Thee weasleys along with Hermione were on there way over. Sirius said that tonks was going to explain about him will she helped them over.I finished cleaning up the room Hermione and ginny were going to share when I hear the front door open.

I rush down the stairs.

"Who's there." Sirius says

"It's me nymphadora tonks. I have the Weasley and Hermione with me." A voice comes.

"Y/n get the Veritaserum." Sirius say to me.

"Oh come one Sirius." Tonks says coming out of the shadows.

"Sorry but mad eye said I had to." Sirius says.

"Just let them in." I say.

Sirius sighs.

"Fine." Sirius says.

Then in came tonks followed by molly,aruther, George, Fred, Ron,. Hermione, and ginny. Molly walks over to me and embraces me.

"Hello dearie how are you?" She asks.

"I'm fine." I say.

She lets go and suddenly fed and George come over to me and hug me.

"Hello out little prankster." George say.

" How splendid it is to see you again." Fred says.

"Yes yes it is." I say.

We break apart. Fred and George head of to go talk to Sirius will I walk over to Hermione, Ron and ginny.

"Hi!" I exclam putting my arm on ron's shoulder.

Ron jumps.

"Bloody hell women what was that for." Ron says.

"I just wanted a hug but I'll leave i-" I start.

Ron cuts me of by pulling me into a hug. After we break apart I hug Hermione and say hi to ginny.

"Ok twins your in the second room on the right. Hermione and ginny second room on the left. Ron first room on the right." Sirius says loudly.


After everyone settled in Mrs Weasley made dinner. Everyone ate dinner then headed off to their rooms.

Bad ending. If you can't tell by now I am bad at ending chapters.

Au revoir ❤️

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