Chapter 13 professor Dumbledore

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Y/n's pov

It's been a month since the Quidditch game. The hogsmeade trip is tomorrow. I have just finished helping hagrid get buckbeak ready for his trail.It is in 2 month.I walk into the common room.

"Gred feorge where are youuuuu." I yell in the common room.

The boys come running down to the common room.

" You called little prankster." Fred says.

"Yes I did let's prank someone." I say.

"Who do you have in mind." George says.

"Dumbledore." I say

"What's the plan." Fred says.

We discusse our plan. I would get peeves to distract Dumbledore. Once he's distracted Fred, George,and I go into his office. Fred puts a bucket of slim above his door. When Dumbledore comes in it will dump on him the me and George wrap him in toilet paper.

"Got it." I say.

"Got it." The twins answer.

We split up. I walk up to the 7th floor to find peeves. I find him hanging around .

"Peeves my friend I need help." I say.

"Who's getting pranked this time?" Peeves asks.

"Dumbledore." I say.

"I distract him right?" Peeves asks.

"Right." I say.

We meet Fred and George near Dumbledore's office.

"Do you know the password y/n." Fred asks.

"Yea." I say."but we have to wait untill Dumbledore leaves."

We wait then Dumbledore comes out following peeves. We slip through his door before it closes.

"Ok set it up." I say.

We set up the prank. The door opens and Dumbledore walks in. The green slime falls on his head. He is reaching for his wand when me and George start to wrap him in toilet paper.

After we finished we ran. We get to the common room. Fred says the password and we get in. I sit down on the couch and start to laugh.

"Did you see his face." I say laughing.

"Yea." Fred says laughing with me.

The whole common room looks at us.

"What did you guys do?" Ron asks.

"We pranked Dumbledore." All three of us answer which makes me laugh harder.

"Bloody hell how." Ron says.

I was to busy laughing to answer. Hermione walks in with harry.

"What happened?" Harry asks.

"We p-pranked Dumbledore." I say laughing.

After a minute I had calmed down and explain to harry, Ron and Hermione how we did it. After finishing explaining we go down to the great hall for dinner.

We finished dinner and headed back to the common room. We started doing homework. Hermione was helping Ron. I had finished all my work and was bugging harry.

"Harry I'm boreddddd." I wine.

"Not my problem I'm trying to get my work done." Harry says.

I stand up and walk behind harry. I start to play with his hair. He seemed alarmed when I started but relaxed after a little. I see Ron run up stairs with his things.

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