Chapter 17 Quidditch

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Warning: kissing

Y/n pov.

I was walking through the halls at school with harry. We made it outside to the black lake. I turn to harry.

"Harry there is something I need to tell you."

"Ok go on then." Harry says not looking at me.

"I like you more then a friend harry."

Harry just starts laughing. I look at him confused.

"You really think I would like someone like you."

I stand in shock.

"You really are oblivious."

Then harry walks towards me. He pushes me into the lake. I fall through and I am on the dock again. Harry is still there but is kissing moaning Myrtle.

Third person

Y/n wakes up. Amaret was still asleep by her pillow.

"It was just a dream again."

Today Harry's last Quidditch match. If Gryffindor wins by more then three hundred points we win the Quidditch cup.

Y/n gets up and walks to her bathroom. She turns on the shower and gets in. After a 30 minute shower she gets out. Y/n grabs robes and puts them on. She walks out if her room .

Y/n goes to her grandma's class room.


Harry was siting in a classroom all by himself. Two figures come into shape. It was y/n and Malfoy. Malfoy grabbed y/n by her waist.

Harry felt anger bubble up. Why was Malfoy touching his y/n. Then y/n and Malfoy started kissing. Harry was stuck watching his crush and enemy kiss.

"Stop what are you doing." Harry yells

"Kissing my girlfriend problem with that pottah." Malfoy snears.

"Girlfriend sinse when."

"Since you broke her heart at the lake."

They then continue kissing. This is disgusting harry thinks to himself.

Harry woke up and all his anger and disgust was gone. What was that. Harry thought to himself as he gets out of bed. He put his Quidditch uniform on and wake Ron up.

After Ron finished getting dressed the two boys walked to the great hall. There they meet the rest of the Quidditch team. Hermione and Y/n walk in a little after them.

Harmione and y/n sits across from harry and Ron.

"Morning." Y/n says.

"Morning." The boys say.

"I had a weird dream last night." Y/n says out of no where.

"What was it?" Hermione questions.

"Harry was kissing moaning Myrtle." Y/n says while laughing.

The entire table seemed to have listened to her because everyone was laughing while harry turned red.

"Really? Y/n that's disgusting." Harry says.

"I know but that is what was part of my dream." Y/n says.

"Ok let's pack it up and head to the quidditch field." Oliver says.

The Quidditch team plus Hermione,y/n , and Ron make their way to the Quidditch field. Once they get there Ron and Hermione wish the team luck and head to the stands.Y/n hugs harry and he hugs her back.

"Good luck harry if you don't win I will spread the rumor that you did kiss Mrytle not that she will complain." Y/n wispers into Harry's ear.

"Ok I'll win." Harry wispers back.

They let go of each other. Y/n waves to the rest of the Quidditch team while waking back to the stands. Y/n finds Hermione and Ron.

The Quidditch game starts. After about an hour harry had cought the snitch and Gryffindor won the house cup.

Y/n ran down with Hermione and Ron. She flung herself in to Harry's arms.

"You won harry." She says.

"Yes we did win y/n" harry say.

Y/n let's go of harry and kisses his cheek as Hermione and Ron catch up to her. Harry had turned a bright shade of red. Professor McGonagall was to busy crying to notice that her granddaughter had just kissed the cheek of the chosen one.

A sobbing Oliver handed harry the cup. Harry raised it in the air.

"Party in the Gryffindor common room." Fred called out.

The Gryffindor house headed back to the castle. Fred and George got drinks and snacks.

"With a little help of moony, padfoot, wormtail,and prongs." Fred wispers to Harry.

The party went until professor McGonagall came in and told everyone to go to sleep. Y/n said good night to her friends and went up to her room.


Y/n was woken up an hour later by someone screaming. She went to her grandmother. Professor McGonagall was already up. They headed to the common room together.

"I'm also pleased that Gryffindor went on the house cup but you can't party all night," Professor McGonagall says"I'm certainly not expecting this behavior from you Percy as a head boy."

" I'm not My brother here had too much to eat-"Percy started.

"I did not I sow him serious black was standing over my bed with a knife." Ron says.

Y/n looked at harry for an explanation. Harry just shrug.

"Ask the portrait if he let someone in." Ron says.

Everyone turns to the portrait that sir cadogan is in.

"Did you let someone in?" Professor McGonagall asks him.

"Sure did good lady he had a the passwords on a sheet of paper." Sir cadogan answers.

"Who wrote down the password on a piece of paper and left it lying around." Professor McGonagall asks.

Neville slowly raises his hand.

I like this chapter. When I tell you that I could not stop laughing while riding about hairy kissing moaning Myrtle I mean it.
Au revoir ❤️
Word count: 930

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