Chapter 21 Goodbye

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Y/n's pov

Ron had just gotten out of the hospital wing after a week. We all were heading to the great hall for the end of the year feast. we make it in.

"Yea now I miss my seat a the staff table." I say.

"Why?" Ron asks.

"Because when I sat up there I could see the whole hall and stair at random people and zone out with out it looking like I'm a killer." I say

The other three laugh. Dumbledore stands up.

"The winner of the house cup is... Gryffindor."

We all cheer except the Slytherins.

"Now let the feast beginning."

Food appears on the table. As we eat I start ranting about random things. Harry got so annoyed he reached over the table and shoved a roll in my mouth.

I glare at him. After we finished Ron,harry and Hermione had to head to the train station. I hug Hermione.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you more."

"Promise to write every week."

" I have nothing better to do so promise."

We let go and I walk to Ron and hug him.

"I'm going to miss you Ronald Weasley."

"Yea I guess I'll miss you too y/n potter."

I let go of the hug and hit him In the head.

"My dad might get tickets to the Quidditch World cup do you want to go if we get tickets."

"I'll have to ask my grandma but yes just write to me when you have them-"

I get interrupted by the twins.








I turn and hug both of them.

"Why do you have to go who is going to help me prank filtch."

"pEeves." They both say.

We break apart and they leave. I see harry talking with Hermione. I run over to him and hug him. He is startled but hugs back.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too y/n."

"If you don't write I will find you and murder you."

"Well then how will I write to you if I'm dead."

We break apart and I just shrug. I stand ony teos and kisses Harry's cheek then whave goodbye to everyone and head to the staff room.

All the teachers were coming out.

"Y/n can you help me with searching the dorms for lost things?" Grandma Minnie asks.


We head to the Gryffindor common room. I head up the boys stairs and look in and out of every dorm.  I go into one dorm and there is a note on the bed.

I grab it. It has my name on it. I open it.


Y/n I know you miss me. Even though I have been gone for like 30 minute maybye less and um I liek sorry Ron took the quill anyways yea. Now Ron is laughing at me. Yea so I hope you have a good summer and I wish you could ride on the train with us fhfnfj so I could snog you. I'm sorry Ronald keeps talking the quill

Love (not)

Harry a

I laugh and continue looking for things. I ended up finding paper,quills,two shirts,a random box , and some of George and Fred's prank things.

I take the prank things to my room and give the rest of the stuff to grandma Minnie. I sit down at my desk and grab a quill and piece of paper.

I start to Doodle because I'm bored. There is nothing left to do except-annoy Snape.
I head to the dungenes.

"Helloooooo snappppppeeeee."

"Ms y/n hello."

"Do you need any help."

"No get out."


I walk out of the dungeons. Rude.

Staff room

Dumbledore: guys she kissed him on the cheek pay up.

Minnie: Albus it was on the lips not cheek that was the bet.

Dumb old door: yea but still-

Staff room door open and y/n walks in.

Y/n: oh am I inteupting something I'll just *leaves*

Dumbwhore: anyways back to the bets I have a new one.

That's it that's the end of year three.
Uhm I'm going to do like a letter exchange thing as a chapter cuz I'm to lazy to write out our summer.
Au revoir ❤️

Word count:723

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