Chapter 20 if they kill Becky I'll kill them

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Y/n's pov

"Wake up y/n."

"You missed dinner I have foo-"

I shoot up. Harrys not there anymore. A blanket falls to the floor as I sit up.

"I heard food give me."


Ron hands me some food he stole. I eat while Ron asks Hermione for her help on homework. Harry comes through the portrait.

"Hello pillow why did you leave me."

He rolls his eyes.

"It was dinner time I was hungry."

He comes and sits next to me.

"What are they talking about?" Harry wispers in my ear.

Go away butterflys!

"Ron's trying to get help on homework." I wisper back.

"Thanks Hermione your the best I'll go get my things." Ron says running up the boys stairs.

Ron comes running back down with his sheet.

"Look at this." Ron says holding his sheet up.

"What?" Hermione asks innocently

"Blood thats blood and look what I found next to it." Ron yells.

He holds up a piece of ginger fur.

"No he couldn't have." Hermione says.

"And scabbers is gone crookshanks ate scabbers." Ron yells at Hermione.

Hermione burst into tears. She tucked the enormous book under her arm and ran toward the staircase to the girls' dormitories and out of sight.

"Can't you give her a break?" I asked Ron.

"No," said Ron flatly. "If she just acted like she was sorry but she'll never admit she's wrong, Hermione. She's still acting like Scabbers has gone on vacation or something."

"Oh my gosh Ronald." I stand up and follow Hermione.

I open her door. Hermione is on her bed sobbing.

"Hermione it will be ok Ron was just being and idiot." I say running circles on her back.

I hug her as she sobs into my shoulder.

An owl flys into the window.

"It's from hagrid."


Hermione and I run down to the common room. I shove the note into Ron's hands.

"They can't kill buckbeak."

"Well they can and they are come on we are going to Hagrid's."

Harry looks at me confused. I take the note from Ron and give it to harry. He finished reading it and we ran down to hagrid's.

"This is so bad." Hermione says

"And it's about to get worse." Ron says

There stands Malfoy, Crabbe,and Goyal

"come to see the show?" Malfoy says

" You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Hermione says

Hermione raises her wand at Malfoy. He backs against the wall, whimpering

"Do it Hermione he deserves it." I shout.

" Hermione no He's not worth it." Ron says

"Ron you ruined the fun." I say

Hermione lowers her wand and turns away. Malfoy starts laughing she spins around and punches him in the nose.

A Proper lady ( Harry Potter X Reader female)Where stories live. Discover now