The Ghost Face

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Danny's POV

I lie in bed, thinking about Quentin. The Entity is giving me a break today, but all I want is to be with Quentin. I miss him. Luckily, Huntress was able to give him my note. I hope he likes me back. I really like him a lot.

I start falling asleep, drowning in my dreams.

(I recommend starting the song now)

I wake up in my old apartment. I was only 16 and living alone. I was raised in the system. Foster home after foster home, until I aged out. I kept myself in school though. I found myself keeping to myself. I preferred to hide in the background.

I kept it all inside.

I kept my grades up, and remembered that I needed to make something of my high school years. I had a job everyday after school, and then on Saturdays and Sundays. I wanted to be a part of something though.

That's when I found the school newspaper club. It was the only club that covered my English class. It substituted it. I decided to join. I started writing, and climbed up to be the first articles on the front page of the school newspaper. The news was boring though.

There wasn't anything exciting. I got sick of writing about the wins and lost's of the football team. There needed to be something more. Maybe something morbid.

"Something morbid sounds interesting" I heard a whisper say in my ear. When I looked around though, nobody was there.

"You can't see me, but I am here. I am The Entity. If you want a headline, you'll want to listen to me" the voice whispered.

————End Of Dream————

I wake up instantly, panting a bit. I fell asleep in my clothes so I'm sweating. I get up out of bed, and look out the window. Outside of the window is a small road of houses where other killers live in. Each house is just a room though, with a bathroom of course. I take off my shirt, and look in the mirror. I can see a scar on my side. Not entirely sure where I got it from though. It looks like a fresh scar but I don't know how that is possible.

"You're awake" I hear the entity say. You can't see the entity, but it is there, all around you. It does respect privacy though.

"Yeah, it's tough to sleep right now" I say, walking away from the mirror, and going back to the window.

"You miss him" the entity says. I don't say anything for a little bit. I just stare out the window.

"Am I supposed to be feeling like this? Am I even allowed to take action on these feelings?" I ask, nervous for the answer.

"You are human Daniel. It is normal to have these feelings. I will allow of it. I think it would be healthy to give you both a chance at a relationship. I shall not come between whatever happens. I'll make sure to put you both together more" the entity says. I smile. I'm blushing too, but mostly smiling. I look behind me, up to the ceiling.

"Thank you Entity. Thank you" I say. I'm so happy.

"Of course child. I shall create a space for you two to be together. A log cabin would fit. I hope you enjoy it. I'll have it ready by tonight, and I'll bring Quentin to it" The entity says. Again, I'm smiling again.

"Thank you so much. This means the world" I say.

"No need to thank me child. Get some more rest" the entity says. I nod, and walk towards my bed. I slide my pants off first and put on some shorts to sleep in. I slide under the covers, and drift off to sleep, eager to see Quentin soon. I hope he likes the idea, cause I really do.

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