I'm All Ears

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Danny's POV


Ya know, walking home from school is kind of peaceful. I guess I can consider the chase more fun than the destinations. School is shitty of course, and then my apartment has no one to come home to. Im not sure I really like it that way.

I'm only 17, and having an apartment at 17 would be considered a huge accomplishment. At the end of the day though, it's my only option. I don't have a family, and I don't have friends, but that part is kind of my fault. I don't like people that much.

The only not fun part of the walk is the forest. It's really creepy. I like creepy, and horror, but this is different. I feel like I'm being watched in these woods, and I don't like being the prey. The walk through the woods is only like, 10 minutes of my 45 minute walk, but that's too much time for me to enjoy. Plus, coming home from the school paper meeting, makes the sky dark. That sounded too poetic. What I meant was it's fucking night and there's like only 5 street lights in this scary ass forest. Well fuck.

Walking under a street light is scarier than walking in the dark to be honest. Why? Cause walking in the light means whatever is out there can see you. That's not a fun thing to think about. It could become a cat and mouse chase. I really don't want to be the mouse.

A branch snapping breaks me out of my thoughts. It's from behind me. I turn around quickly. I don't see anything, but I know something is there.

I could say who's there like an idiot, or I can keep walking like an idiot... or maybe this could be my 13th needed to go somewhere else. I look around slowly. I sneakily slide my hand to my pocket, grabbing my hunters knife. With that, I close my eyes. I listen around me, focusing on a direction.

'Snap' I hear again. It's coming from in front of me. I open my eyes, and see a dark shadow in the distance. I smile to myself, and back up into the dark forest. Im out of complete sight. I crouch down, and swing my bag from my shoulder. I unzip it quickly, yet quietly, and pull out my mask. I look at it for a second, and then slide it on.

Im just a white blur now. One that nobody can see. Including the person who just stepped from the woods. More like people actually.

I count 4 people. They're all from my school.

"Where the fuck did he go?" One of them asks. They all have varsity jackets on.

"Maybe he's up more" another one says.

"Yeah, but he knows we're here" the third guy says.

Third Person POV

It was clear the three boys were confused. Alex, Troy, and Johnathan looked around, not being able to see him in sight. Little did they know, Danny had snuck around the forest, watching they're every move. After all, standing in the street light made them visible.

It's funny how the prey became the predator. The ultimate predator. Three easy targets, all in the same place. Danny knew where to stab. The throat, and the skull if possible.

The three of them looked forward, hear a flashing noise. They saw a white flash from a small automated camera. Danny's camera.

In each picture taken, you can see the wounds that lead to they're deaths. Each stab to the skull. Danny looked down, admiring his work.

A heavy fog rolled into the forest. As he looked around, he was,

Danny's POV


———End of Flashback———

A short chapter. I wanted to show a bit more backstory before the next big chapter. Hope you all enjoyed this little chapter. Still can't get over what I wrote in the last one lol. Thanks again guys! Have a good one!

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