A Big Question

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Frank's POV

I lay next to Danny, looking at the ceiling, and heavily out of breath, but I enjoy it. I like not being able to breathe after literally making love, or even lust, to Danny. I've always dreamed of how it would be like for my first time... and possibly fantasize about it being with Danny, but holy shit did this exceed all expectations.

"Hey Frank?" Danny asks, laying next to me. I look towards him, seeing his eyes. His perfect blue eyes. They are staring into my soul, practically stalking me, and I like it. I love it.

"Hey Danny" I say, slightly mimicking him playfully. He smiles to me, and I can't help but giggle a bit.

"I don't want this to seem like a question of asking cause of what we just did, or make it sound like things you say in the moment, and don't mean. But before I say it. I want you to know I mean it" Danny says, looking at me with a serious, yet soft facial expression. I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, but is he about to ask me to be his boyfriend, or something like that?

"What's the question?" I ask. Please be what I think it is.

Danny's POV

Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Well... I um... I don't really know how this goes except for what I've seen in the movies... but I... if you still like me like you did before... or even love me... would you like to go further with it... like romantically?" I ask. His facial expression says it all. It says yes a million times over, and it warms my heart... a heart I spent my whole life breaking, only to be put back together now.

"A-are you asking me to... to be your boyfriend" Frank asks, starting to choke up a bit, with what seems to be an emotional, yet happy expression now.

"I am" I say. He smiles.

"Say it so I know I'm not dreaming" he says. I smile to him, a genuine smile.

"Frank. Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I ask.

"Danny. I would love to" Frank responds. I smile, and move up closer to him, and give him a kiss. It's not too long, not too short, but it's romantic, not lustful. It... it just feels right in this moment.

It'll feel right in any moment. I wrap my arms around him, and just hold him.

"Good job Danny" The entity whispers to me. I look up to the ceiling a bit.

'Thank you Ent' I think to it.

I don't want the hug to break. I wanna continue on holding him. We separate from each other, and just look into each other's eyes. This is so cheesy.

"Let's do it again" I say.

———Time Skip———

Quentin's POV

It's kind of out of nowhere. I feel this slight pain in my chest. Am I having a heart attack? No. It's just a bit of heart ache. Then again though, I was in the wrong.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go smoke" Felix says, getting up from next to me. I nod to him. Sure, I like Felix, but he's not Danny.

As he walks out, I see Meg walking towards her tent. I decide to get up quickly, and head to her.

"Hey Meg" I shout. She spins around, and sees me. She doesn't seem to thrilled to see me. I don't blame her. She probably is still friends with Danny.

As I get closer to her, Felix runs up behind me. It kind of scares me.

"Hey! You fucking bitch! You let Ghost Dick kill me!" Felix screams at Meg. That was a bad idea.

"You stupid fucking bitch!" Felix screams to her. I see Meg smirk slightly, and then she punches him right in the throat. He starts gasping for air, yet all I can do is watch as she starts punching him relentlessly.

"You. Ever. Call. Me. A bitch. Again. I'll. Do worst. Than ghost. Face. Did!" Meg screams in between punches. Felix is left unconscious on the ground, but still breathing. Meg stands up, taking deep, angry breaths. She looks up to me.

"You know, at the beginning, I thought that this was your chance to have some type of happiness here, especially when it's practically granted you immunity. I was supportive of you from the start, but now. Now I don't even trust you" Meg says, angrily at me.

"You think that since you're stuck here anyways, you can just fuck with anyones feelings? Good job. You were able to make a killer feel more human. And then, you did what humans always do to each other. Hurt. You made him violent again to the point where you and Felix are on his permanent radar. And guess what. I helped him last round. I watched him stab in Felix's face after I brought him to him!" She yells.

"Meg... why would you-" I start.

"You really have the audacity to even ask me?! Do you know what it's like to be cheated on? Cause I do. I joined a track team just to run away from that pain, not knowing it ran me right into another! You and Felix deserve each other... you're both pieces of shit!" Meg yells, glaring at me. My heart shatters. I guess I knew all along that I lost her as my best friend, but hearing it now, it hurts.

"Now get the fuck away from my tent" she says calmly, yet angry. I feel like crying, but listen to her. I tap at Felix, seeing if he'll wake up. He stirs a bit.

"What happened" He mumbles.

"Nothing" I say.

Meg's POV

That was long overdue. He deserved to be screamed at like that.

"Yes he did" I hear a voice whisper to me.

"Who the fuck was that?!" I yell. Am I losing my mind?

"I am the entity. I am the realm itself" the thing, I'm guessing the entity, says to me.

"Am... am I in like trouble or something..." I ask, kind of nervous now. I've seen what this thing could do.

"Nope. In fact, I'm impressed. I know you are a friend of Danny's. Because of this, I grant you full immunity, and a cabin instead of a tent" the entity says to me. I instantly love the entity now.

"Thank you daddy" I say, joking around about the last part. Instantly, I'm teleported to a cabin. It's gorgeous. I look around to see the tents and campfire behind me.

"Woah..." I say. I love it.

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