Final Girl

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Meg's POV

I'm a bit crazy. There's no denying that. Sure, what I'm put through, along with the other survivors is very serious, but I try to poke fun at it. If I'm able to joke about it, it makes it less scary. I once kicked a killer in the balls. I'm being serious.

I'm usually trying to run circles around the killers while everyone does generators. I usually am chanting while doing it too.

"Ya can't catch me bitch" I usually say. It catches them off guard. I'm mostly in matches with Quentin, who is like a brother to me. I've known he was gay since he came here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. I'm just shocked that his taste in men is a bit homicidal. Must be killer sex. Get it? Since he's a killer. If you don't get it then you're a blonde.

It's night time right now, and I just came from Quentins tent. I make it to my tent, a whole ten feet away from his. I know, heartbreaking. I instantly lie down on the comfy bed. I start daydreaming a bit. I have a secret crush on a killer too. I mean he's so handsome, with the perfect skin tone, gorgeous eyes, and amazing hair. I worship you hillbilly. Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm talking about Trickster. He's just so hot like damn. He takes second place though. Not me wishing ghost face was straight.

I hope that Quentin gets more matches with him. That means more dates. What if he gets pregnant though? Would I be the aunt that is always on crack? I hope so. What if they get married? I wanna be the flower girl. I'll fight a bitch on that. One thing I've been experiencing lately is feelings for a fellow survivor. Jake. Him and I were here first. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Quentin's POV

Day time comes quickly. It's hard to tell the difference between day and night since the sky is so dark, but it's still lighter I guess you'd say.

I'm kind of scared for the trials today. I don't know if I'll be getting a break or not. Part of me wants to be in a trial just so that I can see Danny. That's if Danny is there.

Suddenly, the fog rolls in and my vision goes dark for a few seconds. Next thing I know, my eye sight is back, and I see where I am. Spring wood. The town I grew up in. At least in the real world. I look around to see the 4 of us are together. It's Jake, Felix, David, and I. I'm cool with Jake and Felix, but David is a nightmare. It seems that Danny hates him like I do.

I can hear humming. A lullaby. Something that could be soothing, but I know the horrific murderer humming it. The Huntress. I start walking away towards the pre-school. Inside of it is usually a generator. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. Huntress scares me.

Before I get inside, a hatchet comes flying, hitting the wall right next to me. The hatchet gets stuck in the wall perfectly. I look at it and notice something. There's a note. I look around before walking closer to the hatchet. I reach out, and pull on the string that tied the note to the handle. I pull off the note, slowly unfolding it. I'm kinda scared.

I open it, and start reading the words.

'Hey cutie, it's me Danny. Don't worry about Huntress anymore. She won't hurt you or Meg. You'll be able to escape this match. -yours truly, Danny face' the note read. I felt myself start blushing so hard. I can't stop smiling either. He got me immunity with one of the scariest killers I've had to face.

I fold up the note and put it in my pocket. I plan on holding onto it. I've gotta show Meg so that she knows.

Before I can start walking, I feel myself get shoved to the ground. I'm being held down by my head, with someone's strength kneeling on my back. It hurts badly. I start struggling.

"Here's what's gonna happen you little bitch. Once Felix and Jake are killed, you're going to sacrifice yourself so that I can get the hatch. I'll make sure I get it, so you better comply" I hear the mans voice say. It's clearly David. The pain is starting to get unbearable.

"G-get o-off of me" I whimper. I feel so weak.

"What's wrong? Is the little bitch gonna cr-" David starts, but I hear a bone cracking sound. The weight of him falls next to me, and I turn my head to see his head has a giant wound. An axe wound.

I quickly turn around onto my back, holding myself up by my arms.

Standing before me is Huntress, holding her axe in one hand. She reaches out with her other hand to help me up. I take it, and she lifts me up quickly. She is clearly very strong.

I look up to her.

"Thank you v-very much" I say stuttering a bit out of anxiety. She chuckles a bit.

"No need to thank. Me protect beanie boy and pigtail lady. Follow me. I know where hatch is" Huntress says in a thick Russian accent. I smile and nod.

"Thank you" I say, and start following her. It's then that I realize that everyone else is dead, including Jake. I think Meg likes Jake so I feel pretty bad about that. He's nice. He's never done anything to hurt me. I start hearing the wind gust from the hatch. I see it up ahead by killer shack. Huntress walks over to it and waits next to it, looking to me.

"Thank you so much again" I say, walking towards it.

"No need to thank. Ghost face is friend. You a friend now" she says. I smile. I nod to her, and she nods back.

I hop into the hatch, and everything goes black again, until I'm back at the campfire. I look around and see everyone except for David, Ace, Bill, and Ash. At least David is going through hell. I'll check the projector soon to see what's going on, but first, I need to find Meg.

I look around and see her standing by a tree, looking up to it.

I walk over to her, waiting for her to turn around. After ten seconds of her not looking back, I clear my throat.

"Shhhh. I'm making friends with the tree" Meg says. I'm hysterical laughing in seconds. She starts laughing too.

"I'm kidding. What's up? How was the last match?" She asks.

"Follow me" I say, and start walking towards my tent. She follows me inside.

"My mom never signed this field trip permission slip, so I feel like a rebel right now" Meg says. I start laughing.

"Here" I say and hand her the note. She looks at it skeptically. She opens it and I watch her face as she reads it.

"No. Fucking. Way." Meg says, looking up to me with wide eyes. I smile and start nodding.

"Can I have immunity from Trickster? I wanna go on a date with him" Meg says. I start laughing. She's so honest that it's funny.

"I really have a crush on him Meg. He might be a killer but he's helping us survive, and he called me cute" I say.

"Who again? I was imagining myself under the trickster" Meg says. I start laughing yet again. I do that a lot around her.

"What? I just wanna be his final girl" she says.

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