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Quentin's POV

My shoulder burns badly. I have to keep running. I have to keep going no matter how badly it hurts. He will catch up soon.
I see a figure ahead. A female. Meg!

"Meg" I yell out in pain.
"Quentin? Are you ok? You're bleeding"
"I was hooked. Please I need your help, do you have a medkit?" I asked panicked. He'll catch up soon if I keep up at my damaged pace.
Meg brought out her medkit and started patching up my shoulder.

"Who's the killer lover boy?" Asked Meg
"Heh, Trapper. Ran right into a trap at the fucking killer shack" I said. This was constant. We were stuck in the entities game, and when the entity didn't choose us to fight for our lives, we sat around a campfire, knowing we were being watched. The entity supplied us food and water and other needs for a human bodies survival but it's not like that ever mattered. We couldn't die. Well let me rephrase that. We could die, but we'd be brought back. It's a sick game. The entity takes pleasure in it. Sick fucking bastard.

"How many generators are left" I ask meg.
Immediately after, as if it is timed, the alarm goes off that signals the exit gates can be opened.
"None" Meg says sarcastically. I smirk.
"Let's go" I say, bandaged up, ready to leave.

We start running. Fast. We don't look back. I'm not hearing any screams, so it's possible that they've made it out already. I look at the exit gate. It's not opened yet, but Jake is currently on it getting ready. The gates open and the ground shakes. Fire embers rise from small slits in the ground, and the timer begins.

"Go" I yell, looking over to Meg. She jolts off.

I'm suddenly in pain, and I can't move. My heart starts beating quickly and loudly.
"Fuck" I scream. My ankle is trapped in a bear trap. I struggle to get out. I'm almost there, I can do this. The exit gates are right there.

I feel a knife dig into my back. I scream in agony.

"No, please, no" I yell, laying helpless on the floor.

He raises his giant wielded knife, and slashes downwards.

My vision is black but only for some time. Fog rolls into my vision and brings me back to the campfire.

Everyone's looking at me. Jake, Claudette, Felix, Meg, Dwight, Lauri, Feng, David, and Bill. I don't bother learning the rest of them. It's no use making friends anyways. You always get disappointed.

"Quentin, you were right behind me" Meg whispers looking at me with sad eyes.
"Yeah, and Trapper was right behind me. Didn't even bother hooking me again" I mumble. It's not their fault. I just wasn't fast enough.

"Maybe it's time you get a break" Dwight says. He's right. I've been in the hunting grounds for the past 37 games. I've escaped most times. Sometimes I just can't though.

"Entity brought in a new killer" Jake says out of nowhere. We all look to him, seeing his expression with fear.

"They call him Ghostface. He's like us, but kills. Almost like the legion gang" Jake says. I sigh.

"No new survivor?" I questioned them.

"Not sure yet. Haven't met anyone new in the trials" Meg said. I nodded slowly.

I don't like being social with people at all but truth be told, I really wish a new male survivor would join us. Maybe around my age. It'd be nice having a friend... or more. I don't tell anybody I like guys. I'm too scared to. Maybe that'd risk my chances of getting saved by a male off a hook. So I'll just keep quiet.


I'm back on the hunting grounds... again.

So nope, I never get a break.

"Quentin! Over here" I hear someone say in the distance. It's meg. She's holding a med kit and is standing near a generator. I slowly walk over to her. I wonder who the killer is. Usually you'd hear your own heart start beating by now.

"This is strange Meg" I blurt out. We both are fixing the generator up. I'm working on the pistons, while Meg is wiring it. We are so close to setting it off.

"Yeah... who is this killer..." Meg says. Her and I pop the generator and crawl away, keeping an eye on it as we walk away. That's when I saw him... ghostface.

He was crouched down, with no heartbeat whatsoever. He was searching around the generator as Meg and I crouched peaking over the corner.

"It's... him" I say.

Meg nods slowly. Ghostface looks aggravated though. He can't find anybody clearly. I hear a mumble come from him in the distance.

"Stupid fucking trial" he says. He sounds young. Around 18 at least, and 20 at most. I won't know till I see his face but I probably will never see his face. I wonder if he's cute. It's something stupid to wonder since nobody else is thinking tha-

"I wonder if he's hot" Meg blurts out. I take back what I was saying.

"Yeah, I wonder that too" I say, but then regret it immediately. I start panicking a bit, and look at Meg. She's smiling at me.

"Your secrets safe with me bud" she says softly and gives me a hug. I wanna cry right now. I feel accepted by her... it's an amazing feeling.

"Thank you Meg" I say. She smiles and rubs my back.

"Alright, lets go before the possible cutie finds us" Meg says. I softly chuckle a bit.

"Wow, so you think I'm cute under this mask?" I hear around the corner. I jolt up and stand in front of Meg. Ghost face is standing right in front of us, twirling his knife around.

"Don't hurt her" I say scared. I am legit fucking scared right now.

"Awww protecting yourself girlfriend huh?" Ghost face taunts.

"She's not my girlfriend. And your not gonna hurt her" I step forward to him. He's taller than me. I'm 5'10 and he's probably a 6'2.

"Your very cocky for someone who I can easily kill right now" he says.

"Then get it the fuck over with" I say. I'm sick of running. If he wants to kill me, than fine.

It's like I could see through his mask though, and read his expression.

"Run along Meg" Ghost face says. "I won't hurt her" he says after. It seemed honest though.

"Quentin I can't just leave you"

"Meg, you gotta go. I'll be ok. Just get out of here" I say. She nods and runs to the exit gates that aren't powered yet. There is still one more generator left.

"So... now your gonna kill me, huh?" I ask. It sounded cold when I said it.

"Do you want me to kill you?" ghost face says.

"I don't even know at this point" I say... it's true. Maybe this is my hell. No, this is hell.

"Go." He says simply. Huh? I don't stay to question it though. I run.

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