Why Can't You Love Me Back?

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Danny's POV

I get back to my tent. Quentin is at the campfire with Meg. It's better that he doesn't see this stuff yet. I don't mean to hide it from him, I just am scared of how he will see me. Maybe it won't change, but what if it does? Where should I even hide this box in here?

I decide maybe it's best if I scatter the items. The knife under my pillow, mask at the bottom of a pile of blankets, and the poncho intertwined with blankets as well. As I place every item where it fits best, I see a letter at the bottom of the box. It catches my curiosity, like a normal person heh.

"Hello Danny.

Here, I have supplies you with your new forged items, courtesy of me, Blight. There is one thing you should know. Once the mask is on, you will be in 10 seconds of excruciating pain. The mask will melt to your face instantly, and warp. It will only hurt for 10 seconds though. Once you undo the buckle of your mask, which will remain visible in the back, you will go back to your normal state as if nothing happened. This is my gift to you. Good luck.


I smile, but I'm also concerned. I know how this blight shit works. It's a painful process, one urge fighting over another urge. I'll still be me, but the voices will be louder. Much, much louder. Like very loud.

I've heard from Huntress that they whisper intentions that are darker than any past intentions you've ever had in life.

I finish hiding all the items, and head out of the tent. I rub my eyes, feeling myself growing tired already. I blink and immediately I am somewhere very different.

The Rotten Fields.

If I'm in a trial, that means Quentin is here with me. I smile to that thought. I wonder who the killer is though. I start walking a bit, and then I start hearing quick paced breathing. My heart starts beating quickly. It's Legion. I make my way to a wall quickly, and duck near it. Besides me is a barrel, so I slip behind it, hiding.

I peak out from the corner to see a teenager, around my age, with a smiley face mask, and a red and white varsity jacket on. It's clear to me.

Frank. He's looking around, and when his head turns to me, I quickly duck, and hope he didn't see me. My heart is beating, hopefully not loud enough for Frank to hear it. How am I gonna make it through this round without straight up confronting him? It's near impossible.

I peak over the barrel to see that Frank is gone. Should've been a dead give away when my heart beating calmed down. I stand up from behind the barrel.

Right as I do, I hear a generator pop in the far distance. Maybe it's Quentin. I start running towards where I heard the generator go off. Nobodies there right now. Suddenly, I am tackled to the floor. I hit a stalk of corn which adds to the quick pain.

"Would ya look who finally decided to show his adorable face?" I hear, muffled by a mask. My eyes adjust only to see that it's Frank.

"Ya know, you're a pervert" I say to him, struggling to get him off me.

"I'm just so obsessed with you" Frank says, taking off his hood and mask to reveal his face.

"Am I gonna have to bash your skull in with a chest again or are you gonna stay the fuck away from me?" I ask, now getting angry. He smirks.

"I'll choose the ladder" He says. This makes me snap, and I ball up my fist, slamming it against the side of his head. He falls over next to me. I grab his mask that was on the ground, and smash it, leaving sharp pieces. I take one of the pieces, and stab him in the stomach with it. I hear him gasp in pain. I look up to his face.

He has tears streaming down, and his lip is quivering. It's clear that this trial is about to end, especially since I have the killer right here, bleeding out quickly.

"W-w-why can't... can't y-you just l-love me b-back?" Frank utters out, his hand trying to stop the inevitable bleeding. I feel kind of bad. I have to remember though, I love Quentin, so I can't show any mercy.

"Maybe cause you're a homicidal maniac who's obsessed" I say, no emotion in my voice. I see more tears roll down his cheeks. I look away from him. I feel bad, but not a romantic bad thing.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll sit here with you until that wound decides it's time" I say. I'm offering to be nice. Mostly cause he's around my age, maybe younger. That still means he's just a teenager, mislead and misunderstood. He's a mirror image of me if I had more issues basically. So sitting her isn't bad.

"I-I'm s-sorry that I-I was always obsessed. I n-never was treated r-right until you c-came along. Y-you we're my friend, and I j-just wanted m-m-more" Frank says, coughing up some blood while whimpering. I look down to my bloody fingers.

"I know... just we weren't meant to be. I have a boyfriend now... I didn't know back then, not that it would've changed anything... I don't know what would've happened... I don't know why I fell for a complete opposite from me. Maybe I needed to come back down to earth, or wherever this place is, and just remember the humanity I have... you have it too" I say honestly.

The entire time, I'm watching Frank bleeding out. I feel bad, still. I don't have feelings for him. I can't imagine I ever would. I look to the ground.

"I h-hope that y-you a-are..." Frank starts. I look up to Frank, seeing that the wound has finally won. His eyes are opened, but still. His chest isn't rising. He's gone. I frown to myself. It was nice talking to another killer, even if they're beyond obsessed with you. It's kind of weird to think about it like that. Yeah, it's actually really fucking weird. I just sigh.

I look at the body next to me, and grab part of the mask that was slightly not shattered. I place the mask over his face, hiding his identity to anyone who came across the body. I walk away, hearing the alarm blaring, notifying that the last generator is repaired.

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