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Danny's POV

Morning comes quick. All night though, I felt as if I was being watched. I don't know who, but usually my senses are pretty on point. So I'll check later for any scratch marks. Luckily, I still have most of my abilities. All I have to do is cover them up so nobody else suspects anything of me.

I look down at my chest to see my sleeping beauty. He's so damn perfect. How did I get luck. I, of all people, the most undeserving, got someone that only the greatest deserve. Honestly, nobody deserves my Quentin babe.

"Hey guys, come out here!" I hear someone yell. Not sure of everybody here yet so I can't pin point a name to the voice. I shake awake Quentin, which makes me feel a bit guilty since he was sleeping.

"Someone's being inconsiderate outside babe" I say. He just laughs.

I get dressed quickly, and wobble out of my tent, tripping on air. Stupid air is always tripping my ass. I look around to see everyone is gathered at the campfire. Quentin steps out of the tent too, with his beanie on. I look at him puzzled for a second.

"Bed head" he says. I smile. He looks adorable anyways.

We start walking over to the campfire to see a girl in a beanie with a hair that looks like the buzzer's battery died half way, talking to everyone there.

Legit, everybody is there. I don't know how to really take it. I don't like being around people. I have a tendency to kill them after all if that's not somehow obvious. If it wasn't obvious, then catch up dude.

"Ok, so last night, I found this knife stuck into the tree over there next to the other trees... yeah. But it looks like it's corrupted with some orange stuff on it" the girl says. I don't pay much attention.

"Is that your knife that Nea found" Quentin whispers to me. So that's her name. I look up to the knife. I freeze. I can feel panic rise through my body, as I connect the dots. That knife isn't mine.

It belongs to Frank.


"Check out my new knife" I overhear from the other side of the room. I usually don't pay attention, but for once, I look over and see a gorgeous knife. It has blighted corruption on it. It's basically the closest thing to being touched by the Entity that you can get. I feel a little jealous. I wish I could have a knife like that.

"You can child" I hear the Entity whisper to me. I can feel a smirk come to my face.

"How can I get one? How did Frank get one?" I think to myself, since the Entity can read minds.

"Don't be fooled by that knife. All it is, is a bit of the blights serum. Give me a day to craft you a true blighted knife. A knife that'll cut through anything" The Entity whispers to me. I smile. It's really nice that the Entity is going out of its way to give me a pretty knife.

"Thank you Entity"

————End of Flashback————

I feel myself snap back into reality.

"Danny, what's wrong?" Quentin asks me, shaking my shoulder lightly.

"I- I'm sorry, I'll tell you later" I say. How do I tell him that Frank has somehow snuck into the camp? Let alone that someone possibly getting raped by Meg in the future. Well, that part doesn't mean much. Meg could kill him. She should before I kill him myself. I will gladly kill him. Like, for real dude.

I look around, trying to see anything out of the ordinary. I can't seem to see anything that is off. There's gotta be something. I sneak away from Quentin, without him somehow noticing, and make my way to the trees. I start searching a bit. I find nothing.

"He left child. He will be back though. Be prepared to protect Quentin. I have left you a little gift behind the tree with an owls hole in it. You'll need it" The entity communicates to me. I smile a bit, nodding, knowing that the entity has seen me nod. It sees all that everybody in the realm of the entity does.

I walk around, looking for a tree with the description the entity says. In the farthest edge, away from all the tents, I see glowing coming from behind a tree. I study the tree, seeing that there is an owl hole. No owl though. I wish there was one there.

I step behind the tree, and look to the floor. There, lying on the ground, is a box. On the box, a web design is on the lid. The entities blood web. I open the box, seeing the shining source.

Inside, I find my ghost face mask, with an orange glint from some strange blighted ooze on it. It is part of the design, now glowing. Next to it, Folded nicely, is my poncho with my red symbol on it. The only difference now is that the symbol is orange, with splatters of blighted corruption all over it. I smile to myself, taking it out of the box, admiring it. My true smile shows when I see what was hidden under it. Beneath the poncho lies my true prized possession.

My blighted knife.

I can't help by smile ear to ear, seeing that I have my favorite items back to me. But why? What will I need these for though?

"The legion have grown stronger. They have decided to rebel against the rules. Frank, he wants you. I can not conflict between this war he wants. All I know is that you can handle it. You are clever. I have faith in your ability to take care of it" The entity communicates.

"But why do I need all of this? I can understand having my knife, but do I have to sacrifice lives of everyone here just to kill the legion" I think to myself, knowing the entity will hear it.

"These items are not for the hunting grounds. These are for the fight that will take place at the campfire. Do you want everyone knowing your true identity? I have supplied them for you with special abilities. These abilities include a new rush tactic. You can thank the blight for it later on. He forged it together to give to you. The huntress will help you in your fight if need be. In the end, I can't read an outcome. Either one, or four will die. I'm rooting for you Danny" the entity communicates with me. It's rooting for me? That is a lot of praise. I'm not complaining.

"I won't let you down" I think. I feel a presence leave. The entity has gone to where ever it is needed. Probably a hook where a survivor is dying.

I put all my stuff back in the box, which isn't too big of a box, and hide it under my arm. I bring it back to the tent. Walking back, I felt as if I was being watched again.

It must be Frank. I look around. My senses spike even more now. I turn to where I feel I am being watched. I see someone move behind a rock.

If someone is watching, maybe it's best I keep on as if all is normal. I'd rather catch them off guard, and really brutalize the fuck out of there neck.

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