part 12 - Coming home

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22nd November - 2 months and 11 days later

Dixie's pov:
I'm excited, very excited. Like VERY Very, Very Very Very, Very excited. And on top of that, I'm being let out of the hospital today. Which is also very Very, VERY Very Very, Very Very, VERY exciting..... but not as exciting as noah coming home.

Noah is due to come home tomorrow at 3:00pm. And so  I'm being let out of the hospital today for 1 week, to celebrate thanksgiving with my family. And Noah's of course. But not only that, it's mine and noahs 8 months on the 24th, and Noah will be home!

Thankfully, I haven't been feeling too ill lately, and my cancer hasn't really been effecting me That much. But they are still going to keep me in the hospital just to 'be safe. Which is fair enough, but its so flipping annoying.

Noahs pov:
I'm coming home today.
I know what you probably thinking. But didn't dixie say you were coming home tomorrow?
Yes. Basically, what's happening, or has happened. Is my family and dixies have all told dixie and whoever else it is, that I am coming back tomorrow, but infact I have actually got a flight today for 4:00pm, meaning that my flight will land at 7:00pm, and I'll be back home by 8:00pm.
We all thought that with Dixie's cancer and everything, she needed something to cheer her up a bit. And, im not trying to grow my ego or anything cocky like that, but we all decided me coming home early would probably be one of the best things for that, seeing as we haven't seen each other in person for 4 months, and before that the longest we have ever been apart was 6 days. We didn't even make it to a week.

4 hours later at 7:08pm
Still Noah's pov:

I'm back in arizona now. And god I feel amazing. Not only am I going to see my whole family in less than 30 minutes , but I get to see dixie as well.

20 minutes later

I was in the car with my mom, Heidi, Marc and haley. We were about 22 minutes away from the house, and we were all proper stoked. Everyone who was not in the car was getting surprised. Meaning It was dixie (obviously), my dad, tatum, charli, and then the dogs, but specifically, cali, scout and Jim  who were getting surprised with my arrival today, I was kinda intrigued how they managed to get away with all of them getting out of the house at once, so i decided to ask. "Wait mom, or heidi, how did
You manage to get out of the house without anyone asking why? "OH, that's easy, first charli and tatum never pay attention, so that was nothing, the dogs can't speak, which was also easy, and with dixie. Wait what did we do with dixie?" Heidi asked. "OH nothing, she was asleep" my mom added onto Heidi's explanation "of course she was" I added,, totally not surprised that dixie could be doing anything,  and she chose to sleep.  "So, I'm guessing from that, nothing has really changed,  since August.  "Nope, not really, just in and out the hospital a bit more than we would normally be." Marc answered my question by saying. "Yea, im not surprised." Noah answered back. "Is she doing alright though. Like seriously" "well as close to 'alright as she can be with cancer" "just think of it like this. On one of your worst days, or on a day where you are staying in bed all day and missing a whole day of college because you feel ill, is one of her good days. But she still manages to cheer everyone else up and make them laugh whilst doing so. Which is pretty damn impressive if you ask me."Marc stated "So not great but for cancer... great?!" "Exactly that"

20 minutes later - everyone is in the house, including noah.

Dixie's pov:
I had been sleeping fir about 2 hours when I decided to wake up and make myself some tomato pasta.

As I was just finishing putting the sauce on my pasta, someone came up behind me and put their hand on my shoulder and kissed my head. I think you should put some cheese on that. The voice said which confused me even more if that was aven possible. "I'm elegiac to cheese you dimwit-" I turned around whilst speaking and was immediately cut if when I saw noah grinning back at me. "NOAH!" i quite literally screamed as I ran towards Noah, jumping into his now outstretched arms. I wrapped my small legs around his strong torso he had definitely become stronger. His muscular arms lifted me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me roughly as I kissed back "I love you much" he said. "I missed you" "I missed you to" I replied "and... I love you" "you look gorgeous princess" "thanks bubba" "im sorryvsbkut blake by the way." "OH no worries." "Wait I thought you had 2 room mates" "I do" "well Where's the second" "ALWAYS at party's, or hooking up with girls. Yea he's probably hooking up with girls. "Well you have me" "I do. I have my gorgeous girl"

3 hours later

Noahs pov:

We were watching a film together, as everyone now knew I was home now.
When we were about 30 minutes in, dixie fell asleep in my chest, and so I gently rubbed her back until she was 100% in a deep rest.
We always have a half time in films as no one is able to focused fir more than an hour on a film, so when we had that I brought dixie up stairs,and her  in my bed, and started trying to walk away, but she grabbed my shirt and whined fir me to come back "b-baby" "princess I need to watch the film. She coughed a few times "p-pleaee noah" "ok" I went up to the other side if the bed and claimed in, pulling her close to my chest kissing her on the head constant whist doing so. Eventually after about 25 minutes we were both fast asleep, her on my chest, our bodies facing each other.
I love this girl so flipping much, and I hoped she would never forget that.

Thank you for reading the chapter, I know its a very Very boring one, but I needed to write one as I haven't published for a couple days.
Also I haven't been publishing as much as I am currently working on another story to publish after this one as well. So things will be slower, but I am already up to the 5th chapter in that one, meaning I will try to focus more on this story.

If you could vote that would be amazing, but if not that's absolutely fine as well.

        ~word count 1,127 words~

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