part 15 - emergency

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Friday 17th December 2021
Noah's pov:

"HELP" those words still ran through head every day since "GET A DOCTOR. SOMEONE. PLEASE" I could still hear the pain in my mother's voice. "P-P-PLEASE H-HELP". The words that shook me, each time I remembered them. I hated that day. That day was the worst. That day was the day that almost killed me. Until I found out she was alright.

It was November 30th. And ever since thanksgiving, dixie hadn't been at her best. All she would do was sleep, sleep, sleep and a bit more sleeping. On the 27th she went back to the hospital. Whenever she woke up she would just feel pain. Everywhere. Just pain. Her breathing would be out of place, and she constantly had a high temperature. It got so bad, to the point that when she was at 108°f she was doing OK. I mean considering the fact that a normal body temperature is supposed to be just below 98°f.

By the 5th of December, she basically was doing nothing. She would wake up at about 10am, we would get her breakfast and we would eat together, then I would facetime Curtis, so that him, dixie and I could all chat together. Then Curtis would have to go after about 3 hours of talking, as his classes were going back. I would then make dixie get changed, otherwise she would be in bed all day. Then I would get into the bed with dixie, and we would just hug, and I would Comfort her, whilst she snuggled into the crook of my neck. At about 1:30 our families would come, apart from charli, tatum and haley, as they were either at school, or college. We would grab lunch with them and they would talk to us whilst I tried to get dixie to take her medication. "Come on baby. Just one more and that's it. I promise" I tried to be as soft as I could, otherwise she 100% wouldn't take it. "Ok, but just 1" " Yes. Just 1 I promise". After that our parents would stay and we would talk until about 3:30pm - 4:00pm (depending on how dixie feels). Then they would leave, so they could pick up tatum, haley and charli up from their desired places. And whilst they are gone I catch up on my schoolwork, and dixie sleeps. She does alot of sleeping. But I don't blame her. She has cancer for gods sake. It's not like she's gonna feel fantastic. But sometimes I wish she did. I wish she didn't have to go through all this pain. But she does. And there's nothing we can do about it, except encourage her.

Because Haley and Tatum are 23 and 25, and there college is so close to home, they don't sleep in their dorms, they just come home, so they can see dixie. And charli, seeing as she is 17, just has school like a normal 17 year old girl, so she can see dix anyway.

At about 5:00pm they would arrive, and dixie would ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS get sooo excited about seeing them. This would make everyone happy. Seeing her happy. "Well someone's excited I see" I would say lifting her from under the covers to be sat on my lap "I love you" she would whisper. And I would always say it back "I love you more princess" we would talk and talk until 6:45pm when we would get our dinner. Then whilst eating we would talk and talk until we were all finished, and by then it was 7:30pm. We would go upstairs, back to dixies hospital room, and she would get her medication done. That was a horrible thing to watch. That was always the worst part of my day, because she would always cry. She hated it. "shhhh shhh it's OK dix. It's ok" the nurse would coo, always saying something along those lines. And then by 8:00pmm she was asleep again. Everyone stays, and we talk, mainly about dixie, and how she is doing. Until they all leave except one of the parents (it varies). at about 9:30pm. Tgen me and whoever the adult is stays, And then the day starts again.

And that's how the days would go for several nights, until the 15th. That's when everything went wrong. That's when my heart stopped beating. That's when I was terrified.

The day started normally, except for the fact that dixie told me that she felt ill 'bubba I don't feel well' 'ok princess, just anuggle up close to me' I should have got a doctor. But I didn't.

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