Part 28 - no sweetie

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Noah's pov:
"It's Dixie" my mom began "mom what's Dixie!" I replied. My heart rate had I creased massively and I felt my breathing hitch and my voice crack.

"Mom!" My mom stopped replying. I didn't know if it was a faulty line, or just she was speechless

"Mom answer me. Mom! Mom what's happened to Dixie. Mom!" I said starting to shout now, my stress levels increasing by the second.

Blake and Bryce were stood beside the kitchen counter, pausing their process of making what's supposed to be cupcakes, but looking more and more like balls of gloop.

"Noah I'm so sorry the line cut off" my mom said several seconds later.

"Convenient" I said sarcastically

"Mom what's wrong with Dixie" I said sounding calmer.

"Noah. Dixie has -" the line cut off again before my mom couldn't finish the sentence. Curse the stupid internet

"Mom I can't hear you. Mom dixie has what!" I said angrily into my phone.

"Piece of garbage" I said throwing it onto the sofa across the room and walking away. I had hung up just before that. I just hope it's nothing important 

"Noah what the hell just happened" Blake said walking towards me.

"I don't fucking know Blake!" I said. I maybe shouldn't have taken my anger out on Blake, but I couldn't help it. My mom was fucking calling to tell me about Dixie and the fucking line wouldn't fucking work.

"For fucks sake" I said softly walking to my room, grabbing my phone on the way.

Tatums pov:
"he hung up" I told my mom, giving her phone back. If only her knew what he was stopping himself from hearing.

Noah's pov:
Blake decided that we should go play some soccer outside to relax me a bit. I don't know what my mom rang about, only that it had something to do with Dixie. I'm sure she's okay. I'm just overthinking everything.

The soccer really did work. It made me forget pretty much everything that had happened earlier that day. I was distracted for long enough.

In fact I was only reminded of the events when Bryce asked me if they had rang again. Of course they hadn't. But it's the thought that counts.

"No they haven't, I don't even know what they were ringing about. I mean something to do with Dixie of course, but apart from that, I. know. Nothing" I said walking over and eating one of the cupcakes that had been made earlier that day.

"It's actually really good" I said my words muffled by the cupcake in my mouth

"Yea well I mean that is what we were hoping" Bryce said laughing.

"Well done Sherlock" Blake continued after

"See we can cook" Blake carried on

"It's baking you idiot" Bryce said throwing his bottle at Blake's head, causing him to fall over.

All 3 of us were practically in tears of laughter, Blake on the floor, me now on the bed and Bryce at the table.

"Wanna grab dinner later" Bryce suggested, getting the nod of approval from both Blake and I.

"Yea sure, where?" I asked Walking to the fridge and throwing a grape in my mouth.

"Chipotle? I mean they've got a new one like 2 blocks away" Blake interrupted.

"Ye sure"

8:00pm - chipotle

As suggested, Blake Bryce and I Went to chipotle, and had ordered our food about 20 minutes ago. We were talking about our majors until I got cut off by my mom ringing me.

I stepped out of the room and went outside, immediately being hit with the smell of drugs and alcohol.

"Hey mom, what's up how's Dix?" I asked my mom, sounding rather positive. And for once actually feeling it. But my moms next words immediately ruined my mood. It wasn't her fault of course. Someone had to tell me. But I didn't want to have to be told.

"Noah hunny. That's what I was ringing about. Dixie. She passed away this morning. 10:59am." My mom said

I immediately felt my throat dry up and tighten, as what my mother had just told me started to sink in.

"W-what?" I asked, my voice breaking. I hoped that I had just misheard her. But I hadn't.

"I know sweetie I'm so sorry. It's hard for all of us. I can only imagine how you feel right now. I'll give you some time then?" She said, more a question than a statement. But I didn't care what it was. I cared about Dixie. I wanted Dixie. But I was never going to have her ever again. I walked back inside, just letting my rivers of tears fall. I didn't give a fuck what people thought. I just wanted Dixie. Blake and Bryce asked me if I was okay, but I just grabbed my bag and left. I didn't have time for anything else. Just thinking. Thinking about how I would never see her ever again. How I never got to say goodbye. How we would never be engaged. Never get married. Never have kids. Never be able to live the life we planned to live together. I was thinking about how we will forever be known as  childhood best friends. 

So the story comes to an end and Noah and Dixie never got their happily ever afterwards. I will possibly be making an/multiple epilogue(s). I also do have a new book coming out called 'inevitable' which I will give a sneak peak to next chapter. And mwah I hope you have a great day/night depending on where you live ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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