part 21 - Clayton Landon Newbill !

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(Still) Noah's pov:

"ok." It was 10 minutes later now, and a doctor had just scanned dixie to see why she had passed out. "So. It's just some side effects from the cancer, just things like her getting tired too easily and her body not being able to handle large amounts of things at certain times, and so to help it stop, we are going to have to be doing regular chemotherapy sessions, and this will end up helping her stay alive for longer as well." "OK, so can you do that straight away or do you have to wait till she has woken up." "I have to wait until she is awake, but you can wake her up yourself now if u like. Infact that'll probably be more ideal, as we will get to the treatment quicker" "oh um yeah s-sure" "ok. Well just press that big blue button there when she is awake, but do take your time if you have to, I don't want to stress dixie out. Yea!?" "Yea. Of course. Thank you doctor...." "doctor Beirman" he said with a smile. "Doctor Beirman" I said sending him a small smile back. And with that he walked out of the room, and so Curtis and I decided it would be best if we woke dixie up now, rather than later. "Oh I don't see the point in her doing that 'chemotherapy' nonsense" Curtis's mom stacie said whilst walking over to a sleeping dixie, and a very stressed Curtis and I. "OMG MOM. What is wrong with you." Curtis stated to his mom anger showing in his face. "It isn't fucking 'chemotherapy nonsense'." "Well it is hunny" "SHE'S DIEING MOM! NOAH RUNS HIS FINGERS THROUGH HER HAIR AND IT ALL FALLS OUT. THIS MIGHT JUST SAVE HER. AND YOUR SAYING THAT ITS 'nonsense'. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!" "Curtis. Calm down." His dad Adam said to him "you just need to cool off , because dixie wouldn't like the fact that your shouting would she. And I know your worried and stressed for her. And that's perfectly fine, but if you just relax then you will feel a bit better. Yea?!" He continued, laying his hands on Curtis's shoulders, causing Curtis's breathing to steady again. Chloe walked over to the bed and hugged Curtis tightly as he hugged her back. And that's when charli started to gently cry. But no one else noticed. Just me. But I didn't mention it. I just wanted dixie to be mine again, I wanted her to be giggling and laughing and running along the beach with me again. But if I waste my time asking and sorting out what's wrong with charli, then it's precious time were losing. So I just ignored her, and turned to face dixie. "Dix princess" I said stroking her hair and the top of her head softly "baby. Baby can you wake up for me?" I said again, as she started to move around, Curtis and his parents (Adam and stacie) still arguing in the background "gorgeous" I said leaving compassionate kisses on her forehead, causing her to move around even more, and flicker her eyes open slightly "hello beautiful" I said smiling at her once her eyes were fully open."hello handsome" she said back smiling. "Your really cute" I slightly whispered to her "well you are too" "well do you know what you have to do now!?" "I said running my hand over her head and with the other hand, cupping her chin" "something bad and cancery" she replied, still laying down. "Close" I said kissing her "chemotherapy babygirl. You need weekly sessions now" "and it starts today I'm assuming!?" "You assume correct" I said chuckling "well go me" she said giggling. I missed this. Even if it was still in a hospital room, and still wasn't exactly normal, it was close enough, and After thinking for a moment or 2, I pressed the blue button.

Several minutes later, doctor Beirman walked through he door. " You ready dix!" "Yeah. I suppose." She said as she layed on the bed, and was wheeled out "don't worry you'll be fine." "But I wanna shave my hair off" she said sitting up "yea!?" "Mhm it's coming out anyway" "ok. Well we can do that for you" "thanks" she said resting her head back down on her bed and dozing off as she was taken out of the room, still on her bed. "Ahh ffffffffu-dge" I said correcting myself half way through my sentence. I went to a chair near her bed and sat on it looking down my hands rested on my lap. "She'll be fine son. I promise" my dad said, walking over to a slightly gloomy Curtis and I. "Yea but will she!?" Curtis said unconvinced" "Curtis I can promise you now. Dixie is the strongest fighter I know. And I know that she won't die from this fudge-ing cancer. Ok" "mhm" he said, causing me to look up, where I saw charli still crying in the corner of my eye. "Charli..." I said quietly getting up and walking to her. "Charli are you ok...." I practically whispered once again. "N-no one cares. Noo-one cares that I am up-pset. Which is understandable, but-but Its my sis-sister no-noah and she is die-ing" "I know how you feel char" I said rubbing her back as I hugged her "n-no y-you d-dont" "I promise you charli, I do. ive known and been friends with her for 18 years and we've been dating for nearly a year, I miss how we used to be. But I know I can't change that now. And it fucking stresses me out SO much. Cause I love her char. I really really do, and I know that you feel the same way. But if we argue over who is more upset that she is ill, then we will get nowhere." "O-k" "yea!?" "Y-yeah" "ok." I placing my hands on her shoulders. "You will be fine. I promise" "thank you noah" she replied whislt wiping her tears. And going over to haley and chloe who were in one of the corners of the room.

30 minutes later
Dixie should be back any minute now. The doctors told us that when she gets here she is most likely going to be asleep or very tired if she is awake. My heart just sinks for her though. It must be so hard to go from having a perfectly brilliant life, to being told you only have about a month left to live. I just want to take away all her pai-. My thoughts were interupted when doctor beirman knocked on the door once again. "Helloooooo. Can we come in please" he said whislt tatum opened the door. "Hello" he whispered this time, wheeling dixie in. " before she fell asleep, She said she felt alot better" he said still whispering "but just be quiet for a bit until she wakes up, and let he wake up naturally." "OK. Thanks doc" dixies dad said quietly "ok. Well I'll be back again tomorrow to check on her, but have a good evening." He said walking out the door. *ring ring. Ring ring.* "Hey bro, what's up" clay answered to the person on the other end of the phone "Clayton. Shut. Up" tatum whispered, whilst going up to him "no. Leave me alone" he said walking the other way "hahaha yea. Stop it that was the highlight of my year. It was hilarious." He said still not taking any notice of the fact that Dr beirman came in about 2 minutes ago and told us all to be quiet. "Shut up Clayton" I said quietly looking up. "OMG WOULD YOU ALL JUST STOP HAVING AGO AT ME!" "No clayton, so either go out the room. Or shut up" Curtis said to him "omg no. Yea sorry my family are just having ago at me." "clayton landon newbill." Adam, Curtis's dad, whisper-shouted to clay "get out of this room. Right. Now" he followed "uhhh fine. Yea bro sorry". I Turned around from clay to look at dixie, to see her waking up. "Oh shit" I said "what?!" Curtis said concerned
"Your idiot brother has woken her up." "Shit...". "Dixie baby" "s-s-stop" she said on a croaky morning voice. "S-stop i-it" "dixie. Dixie I'm not gonna hurt you dixie" I said as softly as I could. She then didn't say anything, I could just hear her heavy breathing. She was practically white she was so pale, and she was boiling. "Dixie, baby. Do you feel okay?!" "Y-yea, I j-ust a-m h-hot" "I know babygirl, but can you stay awake for me.!?" "I w-want c-c-cuddle w-with y-you" "I want to Cuddle with you too, but I can't babygirl, I'm not aloud." "W-hy" "because your still delicate from the chemotherapy baby" "mmmmm n-no i-m not-t I j-just w-want cud-dle-s" "princess I I give you cuddles in 1 hour ok?" "O-kay" "thank you gorgeous." "They cut my hair of-f" "yea, they did. You look beautiful" "t-hank y-you." She always looks beautiful. I wish she knew that, I wish she knew she is perfect, I wish she thinks She's gonna live, I think shes gonna live, I know she will.....

I kinda forgot to write anything her so I'm doing it now. Please vote if you liked the chapter and comment like what you want to happen or don't want to happen 👍
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