Part 25 - end of discussion

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Noah's pov:
It has been a week now since we went to the beach with Curtis and chloe.

Our families got back a couple of days ago. They keep calling Dixie and i, asking if they can come visit, but of course we are saying no, I mean it's standard, neither of us want to see them, why would we. if they are selfish enough to go on holiday whilst there daughter is suffering from cancer, then why should we let them see her again when they are back home.

Overall, Dixie has been feeling pretty well for her state. She is still on her closing days, but she is doing more or less fine.

Charli's pov:
"Hey mommy can I have some money, I want to go to the mall, I need some new bikinis" I asked my mom, we had just come back from a week long trip in LA, and it was great, we went with the becks, but for the last couple of days my mom and dad as well as Tatum and Haley's parents were a bit, I don't know, annoyed?

"Why do you need more bikinis baby, you already have tons" my mom asked me, it's a simple explanation, I want more clothes

"Well I just feel as though I have earnt a little trip out mommy, you know with Dixie having cancer and all, it's very hard for me" I said sweetly, on the verge of tears. Fake tears. I really didn't care that much that she was as in the hospital, I just really want new things and this is always a good lie to tell when I want stuff. You know the sad deprived little sister, her heart aching that her older sister had cancer. I'm quite the genius of you ask me.

"Charli princess, I would normally say yes to that, but no. Your not getting any of my money, if you are so sad that your older sister is simply just dieing, which I am sure you are, than how about you ring noah and try to convince him if you can see her, I haven't been able to see my baby since we got back because of him. He's not happy we took you to LA when you were sad, so I'm sorry sweet girl but this time it's a no." She said walking away

Ughhhh fuck. I mean I don't even want to see her, but when my mama said she was dieing, it really hit me hard. I mean my older sister is actually.....Dieing.

"Umm okay mommy, but can I have some money for the canteen at least, you don't want me to starve do you mommy." I said sweetly, fluttering my eyelashes about. I was actually just gonna go to the mall with the money she gives me.

"No Charli, Dix has a free pass, if you want any food, ask her for her card, and get some food." She said strongly, ughhhh how many back up plans does this woman have!

"UGHH but mommy"

"No Charli. End of discussion"

"Bu-" "I said end of discussion Charli, now go"

Ughhhhh fuck, I have to go now. Wish me luck I guess

Noah's pov:
"Hi baby" I said kissing Dixie's head. I walked back into her room with lunch, to be greeted by Dixie being awake.

"Hi babe" she replied smiling "what's up" I said asking why she was so happy. Not a bad thing of course. Just curious.

"I don't know I'm just happy today I gues-" she was cut off by the door opening and Charli walking through

"What do you want Charli" I said looking at her bluntly

"I just want to see how my lovely big sister is doing. Anything wrong with that" I looked over at Dixie to see that she wasn't buying it either

"Leave me alone Charli" Dixie said strongly, staring directly at Charli.

"Why should I" she replied, acting like a little bitch

"Because I said so. This is my room, now get out"

"Gees someone's moody"

"I'm not moody Charli, I have cancer, now leave me alone, it's not like you have cared about me at all before" Dixie said putting her food down and standing up, walking over to Charli

"Why can't I start now?" She asked

"Shut. Up Charli" I said walking over to Charli

"You think your sooooooo strong and powerful don't  you, we'll your not, your just stopping me from seeing my sister" as she said this my breathing got heavier, and went very quick

"No he isn't Charli. Leave me alone. I hate you" Dixie said. She seemed slightly nervous but I knew she wanted to her it off her chest.

"Why are you so mean" Charli said crying. Fake crying. Its sob

"Charli what you don't understand is that not everything has to be about you. Okay!? Your not the Center of attention all the time and you need to get that in your head." Dixie said to her causing Charli to stop whatever it was that she was doing.

"I'm sorry" she said calmly. I do think it was a genuine apology. I mean unless she is a really hood actress, but I don't think she is.

"Charli, you just needed to realise that Dixie is going through something that none of us will hopefully never experience. And we just. No she just needs the support of our families, and so when you convinced EVERYONE to go to LA, well it was a very bratty thing to do. Ok. So please, just support your sister, don't try to be the best, or the Center of attention, just support her." I said to her

"Okay. I can do that" she replied genuinely. At least she has now realised her mistake.

"Now can I hug you" she said, looking right at Dixie

"Yes. I love you"

"I love you too, and im really sorry"

"Don't worry, I know you are"

Hello everyone I am so sorry that this chapter has taken so long to come out, I am currently working on another book that will be coming out as soon as this one is done, I know it's not a great chapter, but I really wanted to get it out, and I hope you enjoy it.

~word count 1059 words~

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