part 16 - round 1

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Noah's pov:
Tuesday 21st December

It's been 5 days now since dix woke up, and she's been feeling really good. Today is her first round of chemo, and u don'treally know how she's feeling, I mean I'm assuming not great, but I dont know. I'm obviously not excited, I mean it's just seeing the girl I've known my whole life In pain. No one's going to be happy to see that. But I wanna be there for her. And she wants me to be there for her too.

She chose that she wouldn't shave her head. Or at least not straight away. Which i think us absolutely fine. But I don't really want to see where upset about losing hair. I mean I'm sure she won't be. She's never really cared about stuff like that. I mean I presume being best friends with two boys her whole life has had a bit of an impact on her, cause I don't think I've ever known dixie to purposely ask someone about how her hair looks, or if her dress is or isn't creased. She just. doesn't really bother. But I love that about her. The fact that she doesn't care and she'll just carry on. It's great. She's great.

"Ok gorgeous girl, you ready?" "Mhm" "you'll be fine I promise, and after today we can start celebrating Christmas ok.!?" "OK!" "Just sqeeze my hand of you need to ok. And I'll give you a big kiss" "on the lips?!" She said puckering her own lips out "on the lips." I said kissing her. "Ok. I'm ready then"

After the chemotherapy

"Noah, I don't fell as good anymore." "That's fine baby, you'll feel better soon" "What about Christmas" "you'll feel better before Christmas. I promise" "promise!?" "I promise" "ok" "but right now, you can have a little rest, and I will leave you here with our moms l, and tatum and haley, and I will go get you some Christmas presents. How does that sound" "GOOD!" She said now super excited "ok ill miss you loads, and ills see you soon. Get a good rest. And you will feel better after" "ok. I love you" "I love you to Princess . I'll be back in no time" I said kissing her head, and then lightly rubbing the large scar spread across her chest from the surgery. And then I left and went to the mall, to get her a few things. I got her some clothes, some jewelery, some sweets, a pair of shoes she really wants, and a couple more extra things for her hospital room.

 I got her some clothes, some jewelery, some sweets, a pair of shoes she really wants, and a couple more extra things for her hospital room

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