part 10 -

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Dixies pov:
Its a week later now, and I haven't told Noah about the cancer yet. I don't even know why, we've talked so much, but I just haven't got round to telling him I guess...? I mean I'm also trying to work out his reaction, you know whether he'll be shocked and want to leave me or something or just be sad.

Noah's pov:
Dixie still hasn't told me how her doctors appointments went, I mean we've talked about it a couple times, like briefly spoken about if she feels better, but she's never actually told me what's wrong, and when I mention something about it she just gets quite sad, and defensive I guess.
But I mean she doesn't have to tell me yet if she isn't comfortable with it, the last thing I want to do is pressure her, so I might as well just wait until she's ready.

1 week later (Dixie hasn't been too ill, and she has been facetiming Noah twice a day)

Dixie and I have been facetiming everyday, and luckily she seems ALOT better, so whatever was wrong, has most likely gone away.

Dixie's pov:
I feel great. Well not great, but you know what I mean. Better. That's what I was meant to say. I mean I'm still coughing daily, and I gey the odd sharp pain in my stomach, but nothing that major. Or at least not as major as 2 weeks ago.

"I'm moving into the hospital next week, but at this rate, I don't think I'll need to. I mean I really don't feel that Ill, and I dont want to be taking up a whole room for someone who feels fine, instead of giving it to someone whose dieing." I stated not angrily, but quite passionately to my mom and Amy whilst they were packing my clothes for the hospital "I know sweetie, but everyone and everything goes through phases, and that counts for your cancer, and your body aswell. So in a months time, you might regret everything, because now or next week you asked the hospital to not take you in, but then you feel super ill" my mom replied "were just trying to get the best for you ok" "yea, fine, i get it" I replied sounding obviously annoyed, and I was. I was annoyed, I didn't want to go into a stinky, stupid hospital, just to get treated like a baby, and make me feel small, and helpless.

Noah's pov:
I had soccer training this morning from 9 till 1, and I'm tired. I have all these horrible aches and burns in my body, and dixie isn't even here to help me, and make me feel better. I miss her. Alot . And to make matters worse, I'm hear knowing that she probably feels ill still.

Dixie's pov:
I really needed to tell noah that I had cancer, before I moved into the hospital, cause 1. I will probably not have as much time in the hospital, and 2. I will just feel bad.

After bring bored and debating what to do, I decided to ring noah and tell him

(On the call)

D - hi bubba

N - hi gorgeous girl how do you feel

D - I feel alright, what about you, you had training today

N - yea it was good, I mean I'm really really achy now and my legs are killing me, but that's a good sign, I mean it just means I'm being tested.. right?!

D - yea, that good. Well not good, but you know what I mean, good that you're being pushed.

N - yea. So you feel good after the appointment, what did you have

D - no I still have it

N - oh well what is it

D - noah I have cancer

N - w-what

D - I feel fine though I swear, I'm.moving into the hospital next week.

N - d-dixie if this is a j-joke, it's not funny. Please tell me it's a joke, just a stupid joke

D - no noah, I'm sorry

N - no no no don't apologise
But how, how did you get it

D - I don't know, but its not doing anything so far.

N - baby im sorry.

D - for what?

N - for everything, I can't be with you to help, I'm 9 hours away, I'm having the time of my life, playing soccer 6 days a week, for 6 hours most days, whilst your at home, about yo move into a hospital, because you h-

D - but it's not your fault. Yea I would love if you were a bit closer, but you're not. You have to stay. I would feel horrible if I knew that I was the reason you came home from UCLA noah. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. That would make me feel even worse.

N - OK well at least let me still talk to you everyday.

D - of course I will, what sort if question is that.

N - OK good.

They talk for 3 more hours

D - bye bubba

N - Bye beautiful, I love you feel well soon

D - I love you too, bye

They hung up

I'm scared. I know I acted all brave and stuff on the call, but I'm scared. What if it kills me, what if I die I can never come back from that....

Thank you for readingvthis chapter, sorry for not updating sooner, but as I said I will be less active now, as my birthday is coming up, and I have bigger things to do.
~word count 931 words~

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