Part 27 - The end.

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Noah's pov:
"...the end" these are words I said to Dixie last night. The words I said to my gorgeous, gorgeous girlfriend. My best friend, the reason I live every day. I said these words to her because it was the end of the book we were reading. Little women. She loves it, it's probably the only book she will ever willingly read, but I had never read it, so she made me start reading it to her a couple weeks ago, and last night we finished. Dixie got really sick last night, and she still hasn't woken up yet, but I thought that if I maybe read her the story she would wake up or feel more relaxed or something. I don't know, but if made me feel better. And that's important too.

But it was the morning now, me and Dixie were at the hospital, along with our families as well as the Newbills. Only Curtis, my mom and I stayed over last night, because it is a max 4 sleep capacity, and including Dix, that is 4 of us.

I obviously stayed because I have every night, and I'm her boyfriend, my mom stayed because Heidi and Marc weren't able to stay the night, but they really wanted an adult there in case something happened, and Curtis joined because he was begging for hours to come. I mean he is Dixie's best friend. Apart from me of course.

Last night dixie suffered pleural effusion. This is where fluids build up in your lungs due to the cancer. And because of the fluids, Dixie passed out, and fell into a coma. The doctors told us that it wouldn't last long, but it has already been longer than I would want. It's horrible. Seeing someone you love with so much of their life ahead of them be so still and lifeless. I hate it so much. I just wish more than anything that it was me who had to go through the pain, not her. She doesn't deserve it, and she's already been through far too much.

No one's pov:

Just several minutes later Noah received a call. A call he wasn't expecting, one from UCLA. I won't go into too much detail as that could be very boring, and would waste a lot of time, but the main focus of the call was that Noah's university had been reopened. Meaning, that Noah was expected to be back on campus by Wednesday evening. Just 3 days time. Far too soon for Noah's liking. And too make matters worse, if he didn't go back he would be kicked out of UCLA. He had a lot of thinking to do.

As in if he left, he wouldn't be with Dixie. A girl he cared about very much, the most. His girl. Who although he hated to say it, didn't have very long left. But if he stayed, and - despite it being a terrible thought - Dixie did die within days or even just weeks. He would have no college to go back to, and no Dixie to stay with. Neither option was good, but he had to pick one. And I mean surely one had to be better than the other. Or at least that's what he thought.

Telling his parents and Dixie's parents this news was not easy, giving there reactions. They were happy for him, they wanted him to go, but Dixie needed him more, and they didn't know how to tell him that without actually telling him that, and if Noah left, when she woke up, Dixie was bound to become sadder than she already was on some days. Obviously Dixie was still a happy human, but it's also kind of hard to stay like that 24/7 whilst knowing you will die in less than a month. The respect He has for her is unmatchable.

Noah's pov:
2 days later

Dixie still hasn't woken up yet, and so I have decided, although it was a very hard decision that I would go back to college. I mean I am going to miss her massively, but I know that if she was able to tell me what to do, she would've told me to go.

I also came up with a plan. I would come back to Arizona every other weekend. To make sure that I could still see Dix. This plan would be even better if she woke up, but I can't have everything, and I know it's not her choice. I just wish I could tell her I was leaving. I've been with her every single night for month's when nobody else was. Of course they wanted to be, but it was still me that Dixie chose, and now I feel terrible that I'm leaving.

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