part 17 - happy new year

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Noah's pov:
"Today is the 31st of December, 2021, better known as new years eve. This year has been. Well I don't really know what to think of this year. I mean it started great. I got into UCLA, me and dix started dating, I made new friends, and u had no worries. And then dixie got poorly. she got diagnosed with cancer, but didn't tell me. So I thought she just had some stomach bug, and then, I may or may not of forgotten her birthday, but then she forgave me, and I got into the soccer team so it was all fine in the end. And then she told me she had cancer. Which definitely made my heart sink. And then she got admitted to the hospital full time. After about 2 weeks, I came home for thanksgiving, then on the actually day, Dixie's heart stopped. Which wasn't the most ideal thanksgiving present. Then since that day, she felt extremely ill, and so on the 15th, earlier this month, a nerve vessel exploded in her lungs and started to spread, so she had to get surgery, which was hard to cope with, but thankfully she's fine now. Then she wouldn't do anything, unless Curtis came, so when she started to become more active again, that was great. Then on Tuesday 21st of December, she started chemotherapy, which went well for her, then the days flew by, Christmas eve, then Christmas, now new years, and tomorrow its 2022. It all feels so surreal. I love each and everyone one of you with all my heart. And i really hope you all to a fantasticly brilliant 2022, happy new years eve,
Noah <3."
And send. That was what I had just posted to my fans on twitter. Honestly, I don't know if it will be a happy new year. I mean, there is no way on earth, that dixie is going to just be cured of cancer with a click of your fingers, like she's just not, I'm being realistic. I wish i didnt have to be. But i do. Ive started to realise, that if you think of the worst, and imagine the worst to happen, if anything better than that happens, you'll be happy. But right now, truthfully, I'm scared. I'm scared that dixie won't see light past this upcoming year. And honestly, I don't know what life would be like without dixie, and I do not want to know.

Although she says she feels alright, and honestly looks better, I don't trust that it will stay for long. I just don't want to go through the pain of dixie throwing up 24:7 because she ate 1 chip, or see her being hooked up to 100's of machines. And I don't want to see her suffer. Its just not a pleasant sight, and it's not optional either. If I don't go, and don't stay with dixie, and don't watch, she will cry more, which will put me through more pain, but if I do stay, I see her go through her natural pain, and see the pain that this cancer is causing her. I never win.

3 hours later - 5:17pm
"Babe, babe" "Yes my pretty lady" "guess what!" "What?!" "No your supposed to guess!" "Well i don't know, you found my moms secret stash of chocolate" "nuh-uh" "ok well what is it then?" "KATES COMING!" "OMG DIXIE. WHEN!" "IN 2 HOURS. SHES GONNA BE HERE IN 2 HOURS" "oml dixie. This is INCREDIBLE"

Dixies pov:
Kate is my bestest best best friend in the world, who doesn't live in arizona. I met Kate when I went on a field hockey summer camp one time. I was 6, nearly 7, and she had turned 8 about 6 months earlier. and she just came up to me and started talking. "Hi. I'm kate, and you are....." ".......dixie" " I come from california, America, amble Road, number 27, Sandler Street,  where are you from" "im from arizona. But I've always wanted to go to california is it really sunny there" "yea I don't think I ever rained in like one hundred thousand trillion years" "woahhhh" "Well how many friends do you have. Besides me" "I have 2 bestfriends. There names are noah and curtis" "boy bestriends, that's sick" "I know right" "how did you meet them?!" "My mummy was friends with noahs mummy and noahs mummy was friends with Curtis's mummy, so when I was born, noah and Curtis were born already, and so we became friends" "woah so you've been friends for like your whole life" "yea!" "How old are you. I'm 8" "im 6. When's your birthday" "January 18th
2001. When's yours" "August 12th 2003" "It's nearly your birthday" "I know in" I counted the numbers on my finger until I reached 17 fingers "17 days" "we can be best friends" "Yea!". I remember being so excited, we spent every single day together, until the last day. We were talking when our parents came to pick us up. "Dix have you made a new friend baby" "yea!" "Well what's your name sweetie" "my names kate" "hi kay kay have you had a good camp" "yea mommy and I made a new friend its her birthday in 4 days" "wowww" "What's your name sweetie" "Dixie!" "That's a lovely name" "thank you" my mom said. And then since that day we saw each other every month, and then every fortnight, and then every week, and then every day. and as well as us becoming bestfriends, my mom and kates mom, Lindsey, became bestfriends as well. I still remember that day. And I still remember begging my mom to let me go to that camp. Im glad she said yes. I think she's glad she said yes too.

Noah's pov:
"I KNOW!" "I'm so happy for you gorgeous" I said whilst hugging her. Dixie and Kate have been friends for aaaages. And I would like to say me and Curtis are friends with her too. Kate is about a year older than me, and 2 years younger than Curtis, and is Dixie's bestfriend. Or female bestfriends as dixie always says. "I love you baby"i say kissing her "OH. MY. GOD" she said shocked "what baby, I have said I love you lots of times before "I know that stupid, but Kate doesn't know were dating" "Wait what! You haven't told her" "I just forgot!" "How do you forget!" "Hmmm I don't know.... OH wait, maybe its cause im too busy handling the fact that I have cancer. Yea that might be it!" "Well, she'll just find out today then won't she" "mhm" "ok I love you. And don't tell me that you have like forgotten to tell me you have changed your name to Sir Gilbert or something "oh that reminds me, I'm pregnant...." "DIXIE" "im kidding, Im kidding" she says laughing "that's not a funny joke missy" "sorry bubba" "its fine gorgeous, but when you are pregnant" i said starting to whisper, "tell me" i said winking. "I hope its soon" she said nibbling on my ear lobe "oh my god I fucking love you dixie Jane" i whispered, hugging her, and putting my large hands on her small ass. "Mmmm" she whimpered Into my ear
"Not now princess" I say to her, letting go off the hug and placing my hands on her shoulders "whhyyy," she groaned "because dixie, kate is gonna be here soon, and if she walks in on us having sex, without knowing we're dating, she will murder us. Infact if she walked in us having sex when she did know we were dating, she would still kill us." "Ughhhh fiinnnnee" "good girl" "can you make a cake with me?" "Why do you want a cake baby?" "Because cake us YUMMY" she said excitedly. "It is yummy." "will you help me?!" "Of course" I said kissing her "what flavour?" "VANILLA WITH SPRINKLES" "mmmmm yummy" I said whilst placing my hands on her things, and lifting her up, where she then wrapped her legs around my torso. "Ok so we need the eggs and the flour and the sugar and the butter and the baking powder and the milk and the sa-" "baby, baby, calm. Down." "OK but we still need them" "I know we do."

5 hours later - 2 hours till new years
"Kate Kate!" I heard duxue shiut through the house "yea dix!" "It's 2 hours till 2022!" "I know. I'm so excited." "NOAH!" I heard Kate shout to me "YEA! WHAT IS IT" "WHERES THAT CAKE U AND DIX MADE EARLIER  I WANT A SLICE !" "Oh" I said going down the stairs, and waking up to her "it's just  the cupboard next the the refrigerator" "ok thanks. You want any?" "Nah I'm fine, but dix will" "DIX!" "DIX!" I followed "YEA" "DO YOU WANT ANY CAKE GORGEOUS" "gorgeous?! I mean I know she's pretty and all bit your like her best friend. It's kinds weird" "DIXIIIIEEEE!" I shouted through to her "what. What is it." ""3 things. Number 1. Do you want any cake" "YES" "and Number 2, do you have anything to tell Kate....." "o-ih. U-um-mm" "dixie..." "umm" "dixie What's happening" "ummm" "dixie...." "dixie! Yiu have to tell her" "me and no-ah are dat-ing" "OH MY GOD" "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DATING!" "Ummmm nearly 10 months" "10 MONTHS! FUCKING HELL" "I mean. Congrats baby" "congrats noah" "thanks Kate...." "Don't worry its fine. I know you were occupied with other stuff" "thanks for understanding kate" "No problem  its just good you're happy"

2 hours later - 5 seconds till new years

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone screamed. Followed by my lips smashing against dixies. I grabbed her face, and lightly made out with her until I heard cheering again. "Happy New year baby" I said panting, and out of breath "happy new years bubba" "let's just hope it really is happy" i said to myself "let's just hope......."

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this chapter. I am very Very sorry that it has taken about 2 weeks for this next chapter, bit I went back to school last Tuesday, and everything has been a bit chaotic, and I'm just trying to get back to normal. The next chapter should be out in the next couple of days, and if it's not. I am very sorry, but it just means I'm a bit stressed, or I'm relaxing, instead of writing. Also sorry for any like spelling mistakes, I haven't proof read the majority if it. (About ¾)

        ~word count 1,776 words~

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