Part 26 - dixie ?!

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Dixie's pov:

"Noahhhh" I whined out, obviously at Noah. I am very horny and if I do say so myself sex deprived.

"Yes sweetie" he replied. Now don't get me wrong I love when he's nice, but I also love when we are at the cinema and I am wearing a slightly short dress so he brings me to the bathroom and chokes me whilst fucking the living shit out of me. That obviously being based on true events. True events before I had cancer. Since having cancer me and Noah have only had sex like 7 times, because Noah is too nice and doesn't want to hurt me. It's sweet. Too sweet.

"I want sex" I said whining. He did too, I could tell he was just better at hiding it than me

"You want sex?" He questioned

"Yes. I want sex now. Not making love. Fucking" I said climbing onto his lap.

"Princess your parents are going to be here soon" he said stroking my back, his hand under my shirt, softly fiddling with my bra strap.

"I don't care, I want you inside me, who cares if they walk in"

"Me. Dixie. I care"

"But I'll be dead soon anyw-"

"Dixie stop fucking saying that" he said standing up and bringing me with him before roughly slapping my ass, causing me to let out a moan

"No dixie, don't even" he said firmly

"But-" I started before he cut me off again

"I said no Dixie, now get ready for when our parents come, you haven't seen them in ages"



"Ok.." I said walking out of the room, and turning towards the lift. Obviously heading for the cafeteria . I mean I get free food, if I was smart I would be there 24/7, but sadly I'm not smart, in fact I am very very stupid, so stupid in fact that Noah always has to simplify everything the doctors are telling me. But who cares, I don't need a stupid education anyway, I mean it'll be pointless now. I mean what am I gonna use it for? Having a super smart quote on my grave!? No thank you.

Anyway I went to the cafeteria and joined the 10 trillion mile long queue before realising (after at least 10 minutes of endlessly boring waiting) that I could skip to the front. You know there are some perks of being one of the sickest patients in the hospital. I walked to the front past a lot of annoyed angry people, shouting at me for pushing in front of them, before pulling out my pass and handing it to Ada, the nicest lunch lady to grace the planet.

"Omg hi dix" she said smiling and grabbing me my usual Friday lunch of fries, margarita pizza and a can of coke. It will always be delicious.

"How are you feeling baby" she said giving me the food and slipping in an extra bag of jolly ranchers.

"Uhhh i don't know okay I gue-" I started before being rudely interrupted by the middle age lady behind me.

"Umm excuse me, you do not get to just push in like that young lady, wait your fucking turn like the rest of us" she said pushing me backwards

"Actually I can push in" I said going back to talking to Ada about how I am feeling

"And why is that, or are you just being a little liar" she said crossing her arms, a crowd forming behind her now

"I have a free pass" I said showing her my pass.

"Really, or have you just stolen it!" She said attempting to taunt me.

"Uhh no.. I have cancer, I get a free pass" I said some how believing she would leave it there.

"Well it doesn't look like you have cancer" she said inviting her friend who stood across the hall to join in

" yes, she's right, I mean I thought people with cancer had no hair, and it's not nice to joke about having cancer." The other middle aged woman said, both of them walking towards me.

"Leave the poor girl alone" Ada said, noticing the tear that fell from my eye.

"And I do have cancer" I said now fully in tears. "And if I really have to prove myself, I will" I said taking my wig off and walking away with my food, swiftly noticing all the extra bags of sweets and chocolate Ada gave me.

"Oh" I heard in the distance. Yes. Oh indeed I thought before putting my wig back on.

I walked back to my room, rather than taking the lift, it drained my energy massively, but it was relaxing.

"Dixie?!" I heard a voice say before collapsing onto my bed. And that's the last thing I remember. The very last thing.

Noah's pov:

"Dixie?!" Tatum said, causing me to turn my head to the door to see my gorgeous girl, food in her hands, but her face as pale as ever. she collapsed onto her bed, immediately closing her eyes and dropping the large blue tray holding all of her food onto the bed "Dixie?.. Dixie!" Me, Tatum and Curtis screamed, getting the attention of everyone else in the room. "Omg baby. Baby!" Marc said shaking his daughter. "Get a doctor" he screamed, turning her over and ordering Chloe to get a glass of water to splash over Dixie, in the hopes it would wake her up.

"Okay Noah gently splash it over her" he said as we waited for the doctor to hurry up and come. "Okay" I replied beginning to poor water over my overly sick girlfriend "come on baby, please" I said pouring water over her yet again "baby please. Come on just wake up" I said, tears falling from my eyes. "Dixie. Please Dixie. Come on" I said shaking her then pouring the rest of the glass over her "come on Dixie!" I almost shouted, shaking Dixie. Just as I had stopped the doctors came in, there was 5 of them, they were each in sort of lab coats, and all looked slightly scared. That's never good. "ok everyone out!" They said shooing us all out of the room "Dixie" I said softly, holding her hand until I couldn't anymore.

"She'll be alright. She'll be alright. She will be all right." I said to myself, saying it, but definitely not believing it. "She probably won't be alright"

Hi everyone, it's the end of another chapter. Kind of sad this one, but lots of them are sad, so it's fine. Is Dixie dead? I don't know you have to work that one out, but have a good day (or night) depending on where u live. Please vote, and if you want comment.

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