Part 18 - alone

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Dixie's pov:
Thursday 22nd January 2022

"Ughhhhh" I could hear charli groan from the other room. I have been in hospital since the 3rd of January, and I feel like complete shit.

Noah still hasn't gone back to UCLA, as the building work from the damage of the fire was delayed, but he has been at his home doing his school work there most of the time, and only coming after school, when haley, tatum and charli come. I mean I know he has to work and stuff, and him being here 24/7 doesn't help, as his focus is on me, but.... I don't know. I guess i just wish he was here with me. Its hard without him. Especially when I feel as weak as I do.

"Fucking shut up charli" noah stated to charli "whhhaaaattt" she whined in response. "stop with all your shitty complaining. Your fucking sister is in the room next door with stupid lung cancer, and your in here moaning and groaning, cause your homework is hard. Come on charli... its just bullshit. Bullshit.". I could faintly feel a smile begin to form on my lips. But it quickly faded when I started to realise that noah has been here for 3 hours and he hasn't spoken directly to me once. Infact for the past week he hasn't spoken to me. I don't know why. Maybe I did something wrong. yea, that's it. I did something wrong. I mean why else has he not been talking to me.? But what did I do.

"Ok I'm gonna go now guys, see you on Saturday" "Saturday?!" I was thinking the same words tatum had just spoken out, when I was interrupted by noahs answer "oh. Yea Saturday I'm sleeping over at blakes on Friday. That ok!" He said, the ending clearly sarcastic. "yea well it's gonna have to be" "fuck off tatum, I can do what I want" "yea and I not saying you can't, what I am saying is your being a selfish little dweeb" "OH AM I. AND HOW IS THAT TATUM. HUH" "HOW DO YOU THINK!" "I DONT KNOW. OK. I - DON'T - KNOW! BUT AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED I DONT HAVE TO BE HERE RIGHT NOW BUT I AM OK, AND THAT DOESNT SOUND VERY SELFISH TO ME" "YOUR GIRLFRIEND HAS CANCER NOAH! CANCER FOR CHRISTS NAME. AND YOUR HERE SAYING YOU DONT NEED TO BE IN THE HOSPITAL. ITS JUST CURTESY, SHE COULD DIE ANY DAY, AND YOUR HERE MOPING AROUND FOR GOD KNOWS WHAT! ITS JUST BULLCRAP" "LEAVE ME ALONE TATUM AND STOP HAVING AGO AT ME FOR EVERYTHING I CAN LEAVE WHENEVER I WANT AND BENG HERE IS POINTLESS FOR ME" "Wow. You are so so horrible noah. You know that. Not everything is about you ok. It might not be impacting you, but it sure is helping her ok. Just go to your sleepover ok. And don't bother coming on Saturday, or ever again. Ok!?" "Wha-" "No noah, you can't complain now. It's not impacting you remember. So don't bother trying to get it to impact you" and then everything just went silent. Noah left. And my heart sunk. He really didn't care. He really didn't care......

"Hi baby". I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up to tatum and haley on my bed, it was at least 5 hours later" "are you okay" "mmmm" I groaned out. I didn't really know what had happened, and why exactly they were in my room. "Where's noah" I groaned out. "Oh. Ummm well he's not here right now." "Why?" "He just was.... umm tired" "but he has-snt talked to me for days-s" I whispered, my throat croaky and sore. "Wait what do you mean dixie. He comes at lunchtime everyday and talks to you for an hour" "What. No he doesn't" there was a slight pause, whilst haley and tatum looked at each other, both there eyes wide open."he lied...." I slightly heard tatum whisper with a worried voice to haley "why would he do that...." "ill be back dix, and your mom and dad and my mom and dad will be here soon, yea!?" "Ok..." "ok I love you. Bye" "by-e...."

Tatums pov:
"That bitch! Why would he even lie about that" I had just got out of the hospital with haley, and we were heading home to get noah, as he had just left left go to his stupid 2 day sleepover. I did feel bad that we had left dixie by herself, but I'm sure she'll be fine, and anyway our parents will be with her soon, so it's not too much to worry about. "Trust me tatum I am as clueless as you are, but there's gonna be a reason, it's not like he would just lie about something like that. Maybe.... maybe him and dix had fallen out" she said with an unreassuring look on her face "your not doing a very good job of convincing me that's the reason. And anyways, how do they fall out, she is strapped to hundreds of machines, if they were annoyed at each other, he would just have to take pitty on her, otherwise he is like abusing her." "Yea. Well what is it then" "Tatum. I. Do. Not. Know. OK!?" "Yea. Sorry. Maybe we shouldn't have left dixie by herself, she's probably stres-" "TATUM! she. Will. Be fine. Just stop stressing out ok" "yea, you're right"

We were nearly at our house now, about 2 minutes away. And my mom had not yet messaged to say they were at the hospital with dix, but that's fine, they are probably just running late, caught up in traffic you know. "Ok we're here tatum. Do you have your keys?" "Yea" I replied "there under that" I said pointing to the large white stained plant pot stood next to the front door "ok thanks" haley said crouching down onto the floor to get the keys. "Ok. Where is h-" she said once again, as we walked into the house "NOAH!" "NOAH COME HERE NOW!" "OK OK IM COMING, IM COMING JUST WAIT 2 MINUTES" "ughhhh" I couldn't help but groan, I know we have only been waiting for as little as 5 minutes, but I am extremely impatient. "Fine. 2 minutes, but that is it!" I replied to him, as I saw him run into the room ,and throw off his towel in the reflexion of the mirror and quickly throw some sweats on and running his fingers through his now wet hair. "HURRY UP NOAH" "OK IM COMING JUST STOP FUCKING SHOUTING" he said soon followed by him running down the stairs. "What" he said looking right at me and haley "you LIED!" I said causing a look of confusion to spread on his face "what..." "You. Lied" "I lied? about what!" "About fucking seeing dixie every lunch" "how do you know that's a lie" "dixie may be ill but she still can fucking talk" "w-where is dixie?!" "At the hospital... wh-" "BY HERSELF!" "yea..." "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU CANT BE THAT FUCKING DUMB YOU IDIOT'S" he screamed at us, pushing past and running out the door and to his car.

Noahs pov:
Idiots. They came to have ago at me, but in doing so they leave dixie by herself at the hospital! There is something seriously wrong in their heads.

I was 2 minute's away from the hospital now, and I knew that someone would ask; "oh noah why weren't you here?" Or "noah why haven't you Been talking to dixie" and I already have an answer. Cause im a brat and a dickhead. Thats why. I was too self absorbed, and too focused on my college degree for UCLA, that I ended up having to lie to make people think I was still talking to Dixie. My girlfriend. Its crap. And I know dixie probably won't forgive me, but I pray to the Lord that she does. "Ughhh Come on red light!" I screamed at the traffic infront of me. Dixie being in the hospital alone, was just willing me on to go faster, and making me 10x more stressed.

5 minutes later (longer than I expected) I was at the hospital, and I walked into dixies hospital room with some milka and flowers to see dixie by herself, crossed legged at the end of her bed, In her tartan pyjama bottoms, and thick oversized grey jumper. Just sitting there, looking down. I couldn't help but blame myself. If I was here she wouldn't be like this, she would be laughing, snuggling up to me, but instead, she is on the verge of tears. It's my fault. I let the girl I love down......

Sorry for not updating sooner, I have been trying to get on top of my homework, and it's my sister and my brothers birthday coming up so I have also been busy preparing for those 2 days. I probably won't be updating again before Sunday, but I might do. Thanks for reading.
~word count 1,513 words ~

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