Epilogue 1

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6 months later
Noahs pov:
6 months have gone since Dixie passed. People say the mourning never goes away. And their right. I went through all 5 stages of grief in a very short amount of time.

Denial. I would be questioning my parents on the phone every single hour of every single day to check it they had got it right - She was actually gone - And their answer was always the same.

Anger. I went through a period of time where smashing plates and destroying windows was my favourite thing to do. Anger was definitely the longest stage.

Bargaining. I more or less skipped over this stage. But if I told you I didn't make bets with myself every once in a while. I would be lying.

Depression. For a fortnight I wouldn't leave my dorm. I didn't go to soccer. I didn't go to classes. I didn't visit my family. I just sat in my bed, eating and crying. Until I finally gained the courage to step into civilisation again.

Acceptance. The final stage. Also the hardest stage. This has only come into my life about 2 months ago. Accepting the fact that Dixie was gone hit me hard. And even worse. It's her funeral today.

I left college to come home to my family for the funeral two days ago. The death has taken a huge toll on everyone. Especially Charli and I. And Although Charli May have had a particularly rough patch with Dixie, it doesn't mean she didn't love her.

No one's pov:
The guilt Charli felt towards the behaviour she sent across to Dixie was unbearable. Especially now that she couldn't apologise. Obviously she knew there relationship was more or less fixed. But it wasn't how it should've been.

Noah's pov
7 hours later:
Dixie's funeral ended 2 hours ago. It was probably. No. Definitely. The most painful, saddest thing I have ever experienced. And what made it hit home harder was knowing that Dixie planned it.

It was a celebration of her life. It wasn't supposed to be a sad thing. But I couldn't help but letting the tears go.

No one's pov:
3 hours earlier
Noah's speech was the most heartfelt moment of the funeral. "I have been friends with Dixie for as long as I can remember." Just those 13 words made the tears run down his face.

"And letting her go has come hard for me. Not seeing her. Not hearing her voice. Not making her laugh. Not having someone to talk to and relate to. And every second of everyday I think. Why her? Why did Dixie have to be the one to suffer. Why not me?"  By now he was choking on all of his words. Having to stop ever so often.

"Whether she is with us in person or in spirit, I will always love you dixie." He said softly, pointing up to the sky subtly with one finger.

"Love Noah." Those final words ended the speech and he followed the statement by sitting back down in his seat.

No one's:
(Normal time)
That day - 16th May - was the hardest day Noah had ever had. Probably even harder than when she actually died. He knew he had to carry on with his life, but he just didn't know how to. He thought Dixie was his soulmate. She was the one. But that didn't work out for obvious reasons.

He knew Dixie would want him to fall In love and live the best life he could. So that's what he had to try and do. If not for himself for her. Obviously he would give it quite a few months. Maybe even a year before he did so. But he knew he would try. He would try his very best to please Dixie even if it was just in spirit. I mean after all, he and dixie were 'childhood best friends'.

Hello everyone. This is the end of the first epilogue. I still don't know if there will be 2 or just 1 more, but there will be a new story coming out extremely soon. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and vote, comment and follow if you want info or sneak peaks on my next book!

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