Dear Remus Lupin

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Heroneka lay flat on her back, staring at the low ceiling. She had woken up by a nightmare in which she had seen her boggart. The same boggart which she had faced in Lupin's class last year. A monstrous creature that was almost right feet tall, had huge black horns, black slits as eyes, steeled talons like nails and the body of a man. She wiped her sweaty forehead.

It was early in the morning and Ginny was still asleep next to her. They were at the Burrow. Her fingers kept fumbling with the tiny bottle locket around her neck, along with it, the Malfoy ring that Draco had given.

Since Heroneka had returned from Hogwarts, she had been living with the Weasleys because her godfather had gone missing sometime around April. A case had been registered. Heroneka had been questioned by ministry officials about William Pearlstone. But she hadn't exchanged a lot of letters with him even after he was released from St. Mungo's hospital. How could he have gone missing? William had written a letter to Heroneka last Christmas that he was always surrounded by security officials because of the attack on them in the William Mansion.

Everyone believed that Sirius Black was responsible for that attack on William Mansion last year. But Heroneka knew the truth. She knew that Andrew Bolton, now to become a sixth-year student at Hogwarts, who was in Slytherin, had planned the entire attack. He was too eager to become one of the evilest wizards and could go to any lengths to do so. Sirius Black had called Heroneka his sister because her mother, Gemma, treated him like her own son. Lupin, their previous professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts, also knew Heroneka's mother. He had been in love with Gemma and still loved her even though she wasn't there anymore.

Lupin had sent Heroneka an owl along with Sirius when she was returning from Hogwarts in the Hogwarts Express. Sirius had sent a letter for Harry, while Lupin had sent one for her.

Heroneka sat up, one hand still on her locket, the other hand reaching out in the darkness for Lupin's letter, which was on the bedside table. She picked it up and unfolded the letter, attempting to read it again. The room was lit by a faint, misty light that was filtering through the curtains from the sky turning a shade of orange and blue outside the window.

Dear Heroneka,
I know that I behaved unexpectedly during our last meeting. I panicked because it was too much for me to believe that you are Gemma's reincarnation. It is true that I loved Gemma and still do. But the truth is, even though you are an incarnation of hers, I can't see the Gemma I knew in you. You are so much like her, but I don't wish to look at you the way I looked at Gemma.
You are like a daughter to me. The fact that you were born out of Gemma, makes me look at you like I would have looked at my own child.
I am always here for you. Make sure that you learn to transform into a wolf. Then you can howl me out whenever you need me and I will be there. Write to me if you need any help. I will be happy to get you through this troubling phase you're going through.

Heroneka thought about her nightmare for a moment and then folded back the letter. She turned on the lamp beside her, scrambled out of bed, crossed the room, then looked into the mirror. A five feet tall girl of fourteen looked back at her, her dark royal blue eyes, the chocolaty brown cascade of hair draped down her shoulders. Heroneka slowly lowered the neck of her nightdress, exposing the dagger slit scar, right above her heart. She examined its reflection more closely. It looked normal, but it was given to her by Lord Voldemort during his attempt to sacrifice her when she was only a year old.

Heroneka tried to recall what she had been dreaming about before she had awoken. It had seemed so real. She felt like it was one of Gemma's memory flashbacks rather than a nightmare.

She had seen Gemma, running away from a monstrous-looking creature. Gemma had a baby clutched in her arms. She was trying to save the baby from being sacrificed.

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