Heading Back To Hogwarts

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Heroneka woke up early the next morning, got ready quickly, and down for helping Mrs Weasley in the kitchen. The fairies were moaning and weeping since they couldn't go out. Crookshanks kept purring, talking to the fairies. Heavy rain was still splattering against the window as Heroneka fried up some eggs, while Mrs Weasley rushed around the kitchen. Charlie and Bill were sitting around the kitchen table, sipping tea and discussing about the different kinds of dragons that Charlie was dealing with back in Romania. The fairies began pulling Bill's hair as they knew how much Mrs Weasley wanted to cut them up. But Bill had opened them up and was letting the fairies give him a head massage.

The fairies kept swooning over Bill as he would let them sit on his hands.

"He wants to devour y'all!" Charlie joked.

The fairies began to attack his head muttering something in chipmunk, that sounded like 'Jealous' to Heroneka.


She heard a different male voice and looked around. Heroneka shut her eyes hard and opened them again to make sure that they were working properly.

Amos Diggory's head was sitting in the middle of the flames like a large, bearded egg. It was talking, completely unperturbed by the sparks flying around it and the flames licking its ears.

"Call Arthur!!" He said quickly. "Urgent message! It's an emergency!"

Heroneka was frozen watching Amos Diggory's head. But Mrs Weasley who had heard him from near the stairs, yelled, looking harassed.

"Arthur!" she called up the staircase. "Arthur! Urgent message from the Ministry!"

"Good morning, Mr Diggory!" Bill said brightly.

"Good morning, boys!" He addressed both, Charlie and Bill.

Heroneka tore her eyes away from Amos' Diggory's head and began to set up plates on the kitchen table, serving Bill and Charlie some breakfast. She could hear multiple footsteps down the stairs, but then came some thundering footsteps among them and Mr Weasley came running down the stairs.

"Snitchy!" Mr Weasley called her. "Get me a quill!"

"I'll get it, dear." Mrs Weasley smiled looking extremely tired. "You set up the breakfast."

As the footsteps grew louder, Heroneka saw Harry, Ron, Fred and Geroge enter the kitchen, they froze, watching Mrs Weasley rummaging anxiously in the drawers - "I've got a quill here somewhere!" - and Mr Weasley bending over the fire, talking to - Amos Diggory's head on the fireplace. "...Muggle neighbours heard bangs and shouting, so they went and called those what-d'you-call-'ems - please-men. Arthur, you've got to get over there -"

"Here!" said Mrs Weasley breathlessly, pushing a piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a crumpled quill into Mr Weasley's hands.

"What are they talking about?" Charlie asked Heroneka as Bill gave her a questioning look.

"Let me hear!" She stood next to Mrs Weasley, listening to Amos Diggory.

"- it's a real stroke of luck I heard about it," said Mr Diggory's head. "I had to come into the office early to send a couple of owls, and I found the Improper Use of Magic lot all setting off - if Rita Skeeter gets hold of this one, Arthur -"

"What does Mad-Eye say happened?" asked Mr Weasley, unscrewing the ink bottle, loading up his quill, and preparing to take notes.

Mr Diggory's head rolled its eyes. "Says he heard an intruder in his yard. Says he was creeping toward the house but was ambushed by his dustbins."

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