Andrew's Escape

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"Snitchy!!" Fay was pulling up the hangings around Heroneka's bed. "Wake up, we're going to miss breakfast."

Heroneka opened her eyes, squinting them, and then rolled over to the other side of the bed to avoid the sun rays hitting her face.

"Snitchy!!" Fay pulled her blankets and pushed aside the pile of letters.

Last night, Heroneka had fallen asleep reading all the letters she had received from her father's well-wishers. She had stocked all the packages on top of her trunk deciding to check them in the morning. Words of encouragement, appreciation and admiration had reached her from all over the country. How could she have slept without reading at least half of them?

"Snitchy!!" Fay pushed her off the bed and she fell on the floor, still half-wrapped in her blankets.

"Five more minutes!" Heroneka tried to crawl back up to her bed, but Fay was pulling her away from it, dragging her by her leg.

"Get ready now!!" Fay said getting pissed. "It's Sunday. I promised Andrew that I would spend the day with him."

Heroneka was wide awake. She hated Andrew so much, it was hard for her to digest the fact that Fay was dating him for weeks now. They had started dating since the Yule Ball. As she got up and looked at Fay, Heroneka realised that she looked a little weaker.

"What's up with you?" She asked Fay. "Do you want to see Madam Pomfrey?"

"I'm fine!" She said ignoring Heroneka. "It's just the weather."

Heroneka frowned watching her. How hadn't she noticed it yet? Fay's behaviour was so different. She didn't behave like she used to. Usually, she looked lost and dreamy, reminding her of Luna Lovegood. But... now it seemed like she was turning into Hermione. Tensed all the time!

"I will see you at lunch," Fay said quietly heading out. "I'm having breakfast with Andrew at his dormitory."

This was so weird. But then again, Fay had always been so weird. As Heroneka went down to the Great Hall for breakfast, she realised that even though it was late, the hall was full. Since it was Sunday, students had gotten up late. She ignored the curious eyes watching her and joined Fred and George at the Gryffindor table.

"Morning!" George winked at her. "How many love letters did you receive last night?"

"Oh, I couldn't keep a count." She said grinning widely. "I even got a letter from Mr Weasley, saying that Rita Skeeter is a cow."

"She is a cow, alright!" Fred agreed. "Ginny was telling us that there is this girl in her class - Luna Lovegood. Her father is the editor of a magazine called Quibbler. And he wrote an article about how Rita Skeeter tried to defame you just for a few views."

"And guess what?" Added George. "He even mentioned that the Daily Prophet has been receiving a lot of hate mails from all over the country, asking for Rita Skeeter to apologise to you."

"What?" Heroneka chuckled. "I don't want all that! I just want her to stop all this nonsense."

"Did William send an owl to you recently?" George asked, buttering a toast. "He has been asking us to look after you. He says you're losing your friends."

Heroneka didn't know how William had found out about her best friends parting away from her. She hadn't written him a letter since Christmas. But why was he asking Fred and George to look after her?

"We haven't talked since Christmas." She said. "Dad sent me the Yule Ball dress and after that none of us sent an owl to each other."

"We talk to him a lot." Fred grinned at her. "He likes us a lot, Snitchy. You might want to consider us for marriage." He winked.

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