Slytherin's Champion

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When Heroneka woke up on Sunday morning, she found that Hermione's bed was empty; she had obviously gone down to breakfast. Maybe Heroneka could find Harry and Ron? She needed to talk to all three of them. Did they go down for breakfast by themselves? Did they leave her alone, sleeping?

Heroneka dressed and went down the spiral staircase into the common room. The moment she appeared, the people who had already finished breakfast broke into applause again. She smiled as much as she could, slowly heading towards the portrait hole, pushed it open, climbed out of it, and went straight down the Gryffindor Tower.

As soon as she reached the marble staircase that led to the Entrance Hall, Heroneka realised that a lot of students were roaming there already. They began muttering and whispering at her sight, specifically boys. They were staring at Heroneka as if she were the first girl they had ever seen.

She tried not to look at them, but it was impossible since they were everywhere; at the end of the staircase, by the oak main doors, in the middle of the hall, by the entrance of the Great Hall. It made her feel so nervous. She could hear footsteps, following her hurriedly as she walked past the boys.

Heroneka had barely entered the Great Hall, when it erupted with loud cheers, whistling and hooting. A lot of Hogwarts students stood up facing her, clapping their hands as she walked past the Hufflepuff table.

"We got the wild card! She'll get you like a dart!"

"We got the wild card! She'll get you like a dart!"

"We got the wild card! She'll get you like a dart!"

Heroneka stopped walking, turning to look at the table that was chanting this slogan. It wasn't just her. Fred and George had stopped hooting and stood up as well. The Gryffindor prefects, some of the seventh year Gryffindors and even Professor McGonagall craned her head from the staff table to make sure which table was chanting the slogan.

Shockingly, it was the Slytherin table. The boys were banging the lengthy table, slapping and thumping it with a beat, chanting the slogan. Most of the Slytherin girls looked a bit pissed, not Pansy though. She was banging the table, along with Crabbe and Goyle. Draco was grinning brightly, watching them all. Some Durmstrang boys were sitting nearby him, but they were trying their best to ignore the noise as the table vibrated with all the noise and slamming.

Heroneka had no idea how to react, but she could tell that not just the Gryffindors, even the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were shocked. Fleur Delacour, who was sitting on the Ravenclaw table next to the Slytherins, was watching them with utter disgust.

It was weird, but the Slytherin prefects, sitting at the end of their table, caught Heroneka's eyes and nodded at her positively. She felt a lot stronger as she received support from the Slytherin table.

"Snitchy!" Dean called her. "C'mon! Or they will keep chanting."

Heroneka realised that she hadn't settled yet and sat next to Seamus and Dean. There was a loud round of applause and then eventually the chanting, hooting, whistling died.

"What was that about?" Heroneka asked Ron, who was sitting across the table, busy eating some fried sausage.

"I reckon they don't have anyone to call their champion!" He said, smiling, but with effort. "Gryffindor has got two champions - so, you know --"

"Where's Harry?" She asked Ron as Dean poured some orange juice for her. She cast Dean a suspicious look. Dean and Seamus were scowling at the Slytherin table, being possessive, as if the Slytherins might steal their champion just by chanting a slogan.

"Don't know!" Ron said pointedly. "Probably giving out autographs?"

Heroneka looked back at Ron. "What do you mean?"

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