Dumbledore's Strategy

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"I will see you later!" Fay hugged Heroneka and hurried out of the Great Hall.

She was going to Hogsmeade with Andrew again. Harry, Hermione and Ron had left already since they had to meet Sirius. She saw them sneaking out a lot of food for him too. How she wished to see Sirius, the man who called Heroneka his sister. But given the current situation, she had decided not to go with them. Anyway, she had to meet Viktor and Draco today. Heroneka had asked Blaise to join them too, but he blushed to say he had a date with Pansy.

"At least, somebody's love is blooming!" She said heading out of the Great Hall, as Draco joined her. "They won't have to hide it from anyone."

Draco shook his head with a smile. "We're not hiding our love either, babe."

"But we both are facing death sentences too. Your father is going to hear about this as well, but not from you." Heroneka reminded him. "Oh, what would I not do to kill that bell boy right now... He told your father about us. Can you even imagine, Bunny? Out of all the people we were suspicious about - a bloody bell boy!!"

Draco was laughing silently, listening to her blabbering. He had never seen her so angry. They saw a group of Ravenclaw girls passing by. Cho Chang was amongst them. She glared at Heroneka as if she wasn't walking with Draco, but Cedric. Then she looked ahead, walking away towards the crowd heading for Hogsmeade. Heroneka had a feeling that she and Cedric might have broken up. But then why would Cho get angry at Heroneka for that? All this reminded her of some other girl too.

"How's Astoria?" She asked Draco. "Is she planning to kill me too?"

"Almost!" He laughed. "But she isn't that bad, you know. I think, eventually she will understand."

"What are you so cheered up about?" She gave him a look.

"I'm getting to hang out with you!" He said as a matter of fact. "This is our first Hogsmeade trip together. It could have been a date but we have Viktor too."

"There's he!" Heroneka nodded ahead of them.

Viktor was walking quietly across the lawns, looking grim and sulky. He joined them as they approached.

"Missing Granger, are we?" Draco said jokingly.

Viktor didn't say anything but gave Draco a smouldering look.

"Oh, we really are!" Draco looked away.

"Vee haf to tok." Said Viktor. "Vayer can vee sit alone at Hogsmeade?"

"By the Shrieking Shack? There's a lot of open space outside its compound. People barely go there." Draco suggested as they walked faster.

"It is going to be too hot there!" Heroneka shook her head. "We can sit in the Three Broomsticks. Last time we found a pretty good spot. Nobody heard us talking."

"Vot about that vooman?" Viktor grunted. "Scooter!"

Draco burst laughing and so did Heroneka.

"Right! Scooter, she is!" Said Heroneka. "Her name is Rita Skeeter. And -- if she is going to be there, we'll see."

It was noon as they left the castle to find a weak silver sun shining down upon the grounds. The weather was milder than it had been all year, and by the time they arrived in Hogsmeade, all three of them had taken off their cloaks and thrown them over their shoulders.

"I really need a dreenk." Viktor wiped his sweaty forehead. "It is too hot."

Heroneka knew that where Viktor came from, it was way colder than at Hogwarts. She wondered if he would become friends with the Giant Squid in the lake by May because nowadays, he was spending a lot of time swimming in the lake.

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