The Third Task

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Bagman joined Harry as they went down the stone steps. Heroneka slowed down, letting them walk ahead. She knew that Bagman was offering help again and just like the last two times, Harry was going to refuse.

"Feeling all right. Harry?" Bagman asked as they went down the stone steps onto the grounds. "Confident?"

"I'm okay," said Harry.

"Snitchy?" Cedric joined Heroneka as Harry and Bagman went ahead, followed by Fleur and Viktor.

"Hey," she said quietly. "How are you?"

They hadn't talked since the day Crouch had gone missing. That was when she had told him about her and Draco's relationship and Cedric had ended up confessing that he really loved her, that it wasn't just infatuation.

"I'm alright." He smiled softly. "My father wanted to say hello to you in the morning after we were leaving the chamber, back in the Great Hall. But you left ahead with Bill Weasley."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Cedric." She felt so stupid. "He saw me after a long time and we wanted to talk."

"He likes you or what?" Cedric asked her slowly as they walked further. "Bill Weasley? I saw him being a bit possessive about you out in the lawn when you two were by yourselves."

Heroneka realised that he was talking about the time when she and Bill were away from everyone else, talking about Charlie and Draco.

"Oh no," she said hastily. "Bill is like... A brother figure. He cares a lot about me and Harry as well."

Cedric nodded. Heroneka watched him silently as they reached the entrance of the Quidditch field.

"Are you still upset about what I told you?" She asked him.

"There's no point in being upset about it." He smiled softly. "Love can't be forced, right?"

Heroneka smiled back at him. Even though she did so, her heart kept saying - YOU SICK BITCH!! How could she break his heart? Cedric was so lovable and understanding. Any girl would be lucky to have him. Cho Chang blew off her opportunity to be loved by someone so amazing and so did Heroneka.

"But... Yes, I really like you a lot," he added quickly. "Just in case you change your mind about Draco Malfoy."

Heroneka kept walking silently. She knew that even Lucius Malfoy won't be able to change her feelings for his son, Draco.

"Are you nervous about the task?" Cedric asked her.

"A little bit." She said.

It was sort of true; she was nervous, but she kept running over all the hexes and spells she had been practising in her mind as they walked, and the knowledge that she could remember them all made her feel better.

"What about you?" She asked him.

"I just want this to be over as soon as possible!" Cedric chuckled. "My father and I have plans for visiting Italy this summer. It is going to be great."

They walked onto the Quidditch field, which was now completely unrecognizable. A twenty-foot-high hedge ran all the way around the edge of it. There was a gap right in front of them: the entrance to the vast maze. The passage beyond it looked dark and creepy.

Five minutes later, the stands had begun to fill; the air was full of excited voices and the rumbling of feet as the hundreds of students filed into their seats. The sky was a deep, clear blue now, and the first stars were starting to appear. Hagrid, Snape, Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick came walking into the stadium and approached Bagman and the champions. They were wearing large, red, luminous stars on their hats, all except Hagrid, who had his on the back of his moleskin vest.

Love Is In The Air: The Angelic Witch And Draco Malfoy (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now