The Pensive

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The door of the office opened and Heroneka saw Harry, frozen and wide-eyed, looking scared and shocked. She realised that he might have been hearing them from outside the office, not knowing that Moody could see past the door with his magical eye.

"Hello, Potter," said Moody. "Come in, then."

Harry walked inside looking around at all of them. He saw Heroneka and gave her a confused look, probably wondering what she was doing here.

"Harry!" said Fudge jovially, moving forward. "How are you?"

"Fine," Harry said uncomfortably.

"We were just talking about the night when Mr Crouch turned up on the grounds," said Fudge. "It was you who found him, was it not?"

"Yes," said Harry. "I didn't see Madame Maxime anywhere, though, and she'd have a job hiding, wouldn't she?"

Heroneka looked at Dumbledore who smiled at her. They knew Harry had been hearing them. Dumbledore smiled at Harry behind Fudge's back, his eyes twinkling.

"Yes, well," said Fudge, looking embarrassed, "we're about to go for a short walk on the grounds, Harry, if you'll excuse us...perhaps if you just go back to your class -"

"I wanted to talk to you, Professor," Harry said quickly, looking at Dumbledore, who gave him a swift, searching look.

"Wait here for me, Harry. Heroneka is here as well. I will return soon and talk to you both." he said. "Our examination of the grounds will not take long. "

They trooped out in silence past Harry and closed the door. After a minute or so, Heroneka and Harry heard the clunks of Moody's wooden leg growing fainter in the corridor below. He looked around at Heroneka.

"What are you doing here?" They asked each other at the same time.

"I just wanted to talk to Dumbledore about something. My head was hurting again and I thought that I should talk to Dumbledore if it keeps happening." Harry said quickly. "Sirius wanted me to do so."

Heroneka nodded. "Dumbledore called me. He sent Snape to get me. I don't understand this... But he told Fudge about Andrew."

"What? Why?" Harry frowned. "What good would that do?"

"No idea!" She said. "Fudge doesn't believe Dumbledore or me. I tried to talk but he silenced me."

Harry watched her quietly, thinking about something. Then he eyes darted towards her left.

"Hello, Fawkes," he said.

Heroneka looked there as well. Fawkes, Professor Dumbledore's phoenix, was standing on his golden perch beside the door. The size of a swan, with magnificent scarlet-and-gold plumage, he swished his long tail and blinked benignly at Harry.

"Beautiful as ever!" Heroneka smiled at Fawkes. "You understand me, don't you?"

TRUE - she sensed Fawkes' thought.

Harry sat down next to Heroneka in a chair in front of Dumbledore's desk. For several minutes, they sat and watched the old headmasters and headmistresses snoozing in their frames. Heroneka looked at Harry as he was running his fingers over his scar.

"Is it still hurting?" She asked him.

"No, not anymore." He said looking embarrassed. "It's not just the scar though... I had a dream about Voldemort too. I sort of had a fit in the classroom."

"You had a dream about him while you were having a fit during a class?" Heroneka gave him a puzzled look. "That's... Really strange, Harry."

"That's why I have to talk to Dumbledore." He said looking away.

Love Is In The Air: The Angelic Witch And Draco Malfoy (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now