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"Okay this story is true and I think Mia should here it... I was in the next town over....and I saw this little ones mother running through the tall grass with a massive hunter on her trail" Pete looked down at the small child with a frown while rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.

"Oh she's fine she escaped! My mommy always escapes from those scary hunters....my mama is smart and brave" Mia said wrapping her arms around Jansen's arm. Looking up at him with a smile she snuggled into him "right! My mommy is brave and she's fine" the young child exclaimed causing Jensen to look away.

"What's wrong?" Mia asked, watching Jensen slowly standing up to his full height. "My mommy is okay...you don't have to worry" Mia frowned as she watches him walk off.

Once outside of sight of the others Jensen pressed his back against the mushroom breathing heavily "no....that tiny I chased through the grass can't be here mother" he hissed as he ran his hand down his face. While having his hands over his face he didn't see the young child walking over to him until he felt her tug his pant leg. Looking down at her he couldn't help but frown "Mia honey....I have something to tell
You" he said crouching down so he could look her right in the eye.

"What....what is it?" She asked

"It's....your mother...she's....not coming.....I'm so sorry...I wasn't thinking" Jensen looked at her with a frown.

"No....no" Mia backed away from him with tears forming in her eyes. When she saw Jensen reaching for her she quickly took off as fast as she can with warm tears streaming down her now red cheeks

Watching her run off Jensen quickly stood up to his full height and took off after her "Mia! Stop!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Hoping the small child
will stop but deep down he knows that's not going to happen after the news he just told her, heck if he was her age he wouldn't stop either.

Just as he's about to to make his way over to the glass jar a massive hand wrapped around him "oh my god! I finally found you Jensen! What the help happen?" His younger brother asked

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