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Walking into the motel Alex the laced his brother down onto the table. "Dude what the hell did you do to cause this?" The younger hunter laughs at his brother's new height.

"A witch did this to me....and I'm happy you think this is funny" Jensen crossed his arms over his chest. Glaring up at his younger brother he let out a heavy sigh.

"Jensen come on I'm just messing around....I ugh found the witch and talked to her...she said she will fix you....only if you learned your lesson....what ever that means." Alex slowly ran his finger across his brother's hair.

Closing his eyes tightly he nodded his head "I did learn my lesson....I regret destroying two lives...if I could go back I would've never done that" he sighed.

Before Alex could give his brother some real insurance a bright flash filled the room causing both brothers to look around in confusion until their eyes landed on the older lady.

"So you learned....how to use your heart I see" the lady walked over, keeping her eyes glued on the tiny hunter. 

Bitting his lip Jensen gave a nod "yeah I did....I regret everything I have done.....like I told Alex if I could I would go back and never have done it" Jensen clenches his fist tightly.

"The sad part is what's done is done....but I'm glad you learned....and for that I will turn you back to normal....but once I do....I think you and your brother should leave this town for a bit"

"But I ca-"

"Hey you don't have to worry we will" Alex cut over top of his older brother with a big smile on his face as he watches his bother slowly growing back to his normal height as the older lady's chants started to get softer and softer.

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