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Sitting on his bed looking down at the coffee mug in his hand Jensen closed his eyes.

"Dude what's wrong? Your back to your normal height....I would've thought you would be happy"Alex looked over at him while packing up their duffle bags.

Taking a sip of his coffee Jensen looked up at him with his eyes. Pulling the mug away from his lips Jensen cleared his throat "just lot on my mind right now....you almost done packing?" He asked standing up to his full height.

"Yeah almost done...just got to pack up the weapons and we should be all set to go.....I....you sure you're alright man?" Alex asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm alright....I'm going to wait in the car" Jensen said placing his cup on the night stand as he slowly made his way over to the front door. Placing his hand on the door knob he let out a heavy sigh as he slowly walked out into the warm sun.


Sitting in the hood Jensen looked out at the area he was with the little girl not to long ago. Running his hand down his face Jensen shook his head in annoyance "I'm sorry baby girl"

"What are you talking about?" Alex walked over snd gave him a light shove.

"Look I told you I'm fine...okay can you just drop it!?" Jensen hopped off the hood, glaring at his younger brother. "Let's just go....farther way I get from this town more happier I'll be" he said climbing into the driver side, slamming the door behind him with caused his younger brother to flinch from the loud thud.

Slowly nodding his head Alex climbed into the passenger side, looking over at his older brother he gave a soft smile "okay"

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