Girl meets: the big move

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Your POV:

(Parents): "yes, y/n we are moving to New York. Look kid we're sorry but we have to."
Y: "why? Why do we HAVE to move to a completely different part of America why can't we stay in (your state)?"
P: "we just have to go okay kid so go pack, please"
Y: "fine but don't think I'm okay with this"
—————————-time skip———————
Riley's pov:
R: "maya there is definitely someone moving in down the Hall from me I can tell."
M: "and you know this how? Riles maybe the people that live down there are just loud."
R: " no one has lived in that apartment in months."
M: "fine then let's go check it out."
R: "we have other things to do, so sadly no."
M: "your no fun."
R: "I know peaches, I know."
Your POV:
Y: "dad do you realize how loud we are?"
D: "yea but it's fine since we have all our boxes now anyway."

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