Girl meets hangout

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Pretend that covid doesn't exist and that girl meets world takes place in that part of New York since I have no clue what part of New York it's in.
Y/f/c is your favorite color

Your POV:
After I was ready I continued talking to ranboo.
"Ranboo, do you think you would ever come see me in New York? I miss my tall bestie." I ask genuinely missing his tall a$s.
"I mean I do have a billboard that's going to be in time square in like two weeks..oh who am I kidding. I was going to come surprise you since I wanted to see my billboard anyway." He tells me laughing at the last bit.
"WAIT! REALLY?!? Yayyyy!" I celebrate.
"As much as I want to keep talking to you about this you have to go pick up that dude you were telling me about." He reminds.
"Oh sh1t thanks ranboo! Byeee love youuuu." I tell him, as one does with their bestie that is basically their brother.
"Bye, your welcome, and love ya too, now go" he says hanging up the call.
"rUdE" I joke to myself while grabbing my keys and bag.
I set my bag in the backseat as I make sure my car isn't a mess for Farkle, wait why do I care if it's a mess? Do I- NO like I told ranboo, I don't catch feelings that fast and we just met, like sure he's cute and nice and smart but I don't like him like that.
After stopping that train of thought I remember that I have no clue where Farkle lives.
[call with Farkle]
F: hey y/n, what's up?
Y: I just realized, I have absolutely no clue where I'm going.
F: oh. Yea that probably would have been smart to tell you. *he chuckles*
Y: yea come on Farkle I heard you were a genius.
F: ya, ya. Whatever. I'll text you my address. But for now I gotta go so I can finish getting ready.
Y: mkay byeeee.
F:see you soon.
[call ended]
——time skip to the minkus household——
Finally, I think I made it.
Y: I'm here I think.
F: okay i will be out in a second.
[text over]
Okay, cool now just to sit here and look out the window till farkle gets- HOLY SH1T FARKLES PLACE IS HUGE!
Ok y/n, breath.
After I calm down fully I see Farkle walk out of the building and to my y/f/c jeep.
"Hello y/n. Nice car it suits you." Farkle tells me sounding almost nervous for some reason.
"Hi Farkle. Thanks! My parents bought it for me." I lied, and before you say but y/n lying is bad, I know it is I just can't tell him that I'm a streamer with a little over 9k average views.
But how am I supposed to tell him about ranboo... I'll call ranboo later to help me.
"You alright y/n? you seemed like you were spaced out." Farkle sounded concerned and confused.
" hm? Oh, yea, I'm fine Farkle. Thank you for asking though, I appreciate it."
"Anytime, after all, I do care about you.." Farkle says almost instantaneously adding
"As a friend of course!"
"Don't worry Farkle I know what you meant." I told him while chuckling a little bit.
"Oh we're here by the way." Farkle mentioned.
"Who is topanga?" I ask reading the sign on the window while we walk inside the beautiful place.
"Topanga is my moms name, she's also the person who runs this place ." I heard a female voice answer behind us.
I eventually turn to see that the female voice belongs to riley.
"Oh, hi riley." I tell her still sounding a little frightened from not know she was there.
"Sorry if I scared you, oh and by the way, the others are right over here." She tells Farkle and I while taking us to where the others are seated, waiting for us no doubt.
"Sorry it took us so long I kept getting lost on the way to farkles, and he had to direct me the entire way here." I apologize laughing a little.
"It's no worries newbie, you found us eventually." I heard maya say.
"Maya she has an actual name, you know? It's" Farkle starts but gets cut off by maya.
"Y/n. I know, Farkle, I was just messing with her."
"Farkle it's okay. Maya can call me mostly whatever she wants, but thank you for trying." I tell the boy,smiling, then I turn my attention to the others before asking.
"Okay. So what do you guys want to do?"
"We could play a game?" Zay suggests.
"How about truth or dare?" Maya asks before hearing a chorus of "no"s.
"We could play two truths and a lie. But probably not in public." I throw out there before realizing I have the entire house to myself for like a week.
"We could go to my place." I bring up.
"What about your parents?" Lucas says.
"They are gone for the week I have the house to myself." I replied.
"Sounds like a plan to me. We will follow behind you in my car?" Lucas tells.

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