Girl meets situation

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Time skip to when you get back to the apartment and everyone is all set up.

Your POV:
By the time we get the beds set up the time is about 6:00pm.
I hear a faint knock on the door which is weird because all of my friends just walk in- oh my god, Farkle is here.
"Shit. ONE SECOND PLEASE!" I yell towards the door before sprinting to the room where the boys are staying. And yes they are all in one room, but it's fine because it's the biggest room since that was my parents room before they moved out.
"Stay here. Please. I do not feel like explaining why there are three British guys in my brothers room. Not right now." I tell them, I got back a nod and a few yes's from the four of them.
I sigh and walk to the front door.
"Hi Farkle." I say opening the door.
"How'd you know it was me." He laughs.
"Nobody else knocks. at this point they just walk in." I tell him laughing.
"Oh. Yea that makes sense. Anyways I'm here to invite you to dinner at my house tomorrow night." Farkle tells me sounding nervous.
"Of course Farkle, I would love to have dinner at your house." I reply, which caused him to instantly relax a little bit.
Before either of us could speak we hear a faint British laugh and the words "y/n is your friend gone yet. The other three are complaining."
Damnit Phil .
"God damnit Phil! Farkle is still here, just. You know what come out here all of you." I tell them knowing there is no other way to explain to Farkle what the h3ll just happened.
I motioned Farkle to follow me to the couch, and he does but not before closing the door.
Ranboo walks out of his room followed by Phil, tommy, and tubbo.
Phil looks like he's horrified by what I'm about to say, Whereas the bench trio look normal.
"Farkle you already know ranboo, but these are my friends tommy, tubbo, and Phil. I mentioned them the other night to you just not by name." I sigh while explaining the situation at hand to my best friend who I just so happened to have a crush on.
Farkles eyes light up and he chuckles a little bit. "Are these the British friends you were talking about? The ones who you picked up the accent from?"
The three brits Start laughing so hard to the point of being on ground because they have heard my horrible fake accent.
"Yea. That's them." I laugh at the boys on the ground.
Suddenly, through the laughter of the three rolling British boys, we hear the door open.
I look up to see the entire friend group in the apartment.
"Y/n/n, why are there three laughing British dudes on your floor." Maya asks slowly as if I didn't know they were there.
"Guys these are my friends Phil, tommy, and tubbo. Brits that's Maya, Riley, Lucas, and Zay."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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