Girl meets feelings

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Your POV:
"It couldn't have waited?"
"No! Y/n it couldn't wait, I need to know it's him so I can see if you have feelings for him." Ranboo tells me.
"I don't want to argue about this right now ranboo." I state.
After we ended the conversation and calmed down we went to the living room to see Farkle on the couch, waiting patiently.
"Sorry about that Farkle my friend here just needed to talk to me. Anyways what's up?" I address.
"Y/n, I have an important question for you. And it's alright to say no seeing as we haven't known each other for more than a week."
"Farkle? Are you okay?" I ask with concern prominent in my voice.
"You know how the dance is coming up right?" He starts.
Is this going where I think it is? Oh my god. Is Farkle about to ask me to go to the dance with him? Like as his date?
"Y/n will you go to the school dance with me? Like as my date?" He asked.
I knew it.
"Yes Farkle. Of course I will go to the dance with you." I tell him.
If I'm honest I've never gone to a school dance before, but either way I'm glad it's with Farkle. Wait what am I saying I don't- do I- do I like Farkle as more than friends!??!
"Awesome! Well I'm going to head out for now, but I'll see you tomorrow at school right?" He sounded almost more excited than me.
"Duh. I have to go to school Farkle." I remind him laughing.
—————————time skip———————
"Dude get up you have school and I have to go with you."
I woke up to the sound of ranboo- wait since when was ranboo my alarm sound.
I roll while groaning before slapping the source of the sound, thinking it was my alarm in my phone.
"Okay, uhm. OW! What the heck was that for???!!!??"
Oh sh1t that is actually ranboo. I just slapped my 6'6 IRL enderman of a best friend, I get out of bed and run as to not be attacked by ranboo.
"Get back here or I'll tell Phil you like Farkle!" I hear from behind me
"Phil won't care! So HA!"
"So you do like him?!?!!"
"Fine! Yes! I like Farkle!"
" woah l/n did we walk in at the wrong time?"
" hi maya hi riley."
"You like Farkle?!??!!" Riley screams
"Look riles pretty bird!" Maya answers
" that only works fo." She gets cut off by riley yelling "where!".

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