Girl meets jealousy

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This chapter takes place about a week after the last one. Nothing really happened just y/n accepting that she actually has a crush on Farkle and coming to terms with it. Everyone also knows about ranboo being your brother.
Y/t/n means your twitch name
Your POV:
I'm currently streaming with tubbo and tommy, we're playing Minecraft you laugh you lose with proximity chat.
"Y/t/n" I hear tommy drop from the sky while saying my name so I know exactly where he's going with this.
"I've come to talk to you about my favorite woman." He continues, "lizieeee." He finishes, obviously refrencing the queen.
"Tommy I would have laughed, but you legit used that joke on tubbo last round." I said almost laughing at the face he made when I said that.
I did my face reveal a couple days ago so we all have face cams on each others streams to make sure we don't cheat.
I hear a knock on my door.
" I'm streaming." I tell whoever it is.
"It's important." I hear maya reply.
"Okay one second chat, I'll be back. Boys will you keep chat entertained while I'm gone please." I tell chat and the two brits in VC before muting my mic so stream can't hear me and muting on discord as well.
I leave the room to see ranboo, maya, and Riley all standing there waiting for me. Over the past week ranboo has been getting closer with the friend group.
"Y/n when was the last time you checked the group chat?" Riles asks sounding almost sad.
"Before I started stream about an hour or two ago. Why? What happened?" I reply concerned.
"Did you bring your phone with you when you left your desk?" Ranboo asks.
"Of course I brought my phone why?" I started to get worried.
"Check the groupchat right now please." Maya says sounding like she was worried about how I would react, so I checked the group chat.
[group chat]
F- guys I just went on my first date.
L- good job bud. How was it and who was it with?
F- I took smackle to the movies and I really liked it.
Z-the movie? Or the date?
F- the movie was kind of boring.
M- what about the date?
F- it was good I think I like her.
Ri-maya bay window ASAP.
L-riley what's going on.
Ri-I'll explain later.
Ri-i said I will explain later Farkle.
[text over]
Farkle likes smackle?
"Oh." I say feeling my heart break a little.
"I'm so sorry honey." Maya says hoping that the nickname will help.
"I'm going to end stream. I'll be back." I say.
"Okay we will be right here when you get back." Maya assures me.
I walk into stream looking as normal as usual.
As soon as I'm unmuted I start.
"So something came up and I'm going to end stream. I'll see ya next time chat, thank you for all the donos and subs and follows. Bye love you guys" I say before ending stream and leaving the VC.
I send them both a quick text before I leave my room.
"I'll explain later. But for now, have a good rest of your stream. <3"
I received an Okay from both boys, so I left the room and went straight into the arms of my brother and my two best friends.
"Oh sweetie. It's going to be okay. I promise." Riley tells me.
"You know we're going to have to tell Lucas and Zay something, right." Maya points out.
"Are they good at keeping secrets?" I ask making sure they won't tell Farkle.
"You want to tell them the truth?!?" Ranboo says seeming like he thought we would lie to them.
"We have to ran, they are apart of the group too after all." I point out.
"Fine I'll call Lucas and have him and Zay come over." Maya tells me before giving me the biggest hug she's ever given me before.

Maya's POV:
[calling Lucas: ranger rick]
M-Lucas come to y/n's house ASAP and bring Zay with you.
L- okay but only because you called me my actual name so it's important.
M- and whatever you do DONT tell Farkle.
L- okay? You better have a good reason for me to keep things from the little guy.
M- it is I promise. Hurry!
[call ended]
"They are on their way." I tell the three in front of me.
"They aren't telling Farkle?" Y/n asks me.
"I made sure that they won't. There is nothing to worry about." I respond to her.

Your POV:
I heard the buzzer
"It's Lucas and Zay. Maya told us to come over."
"Come on up guys." Riley let's them up for me since I was in the couch thinking about how this could go.
They knocked when they got here.
"It's open." I said.
They walk in and see me looking upset and run over to my couch as quick as they could.
"Y/n, what's going on? Are you okay? And why couldn't Farkle be here?" They ask in unison sounding confused and concerned.
Before putting the pieces together and realizing what it could be.
"Do you have a crush on Farkle?" Lucas is the first to ask.
I could only nod because I was scared of what they would say.
"That's why Farkle isn't here when your upset. Because it's about him. Because you like him." Zay realizes.
"We can talk to him if you want? Or we could run to the store to get snacks to have a movie night to get your mind off it? Or we could go to topangas?" Lucas rambles trying to think of things that would make me feel better.
"Can we go to topangas? I want a chocolate croissant." I ask quietly.
I hear ranboo chuckle because he knows about my obsession with chocolate croissants.
"Yes of course we can. do you want me to drive?" Lucas asks me.
I nod knowing I shouldn't drive right now. So we all get in Lucas's car and head to topangas.
We walk in, with me in the back of the line of friends, in the front is Lucas with Zay behind him, Maya is behind Zay with Riley following her, ranboo is between us.
Lucas stops almost causing a domino effect.
"Why'd you stop huckleberry?" I ask not being able to see inside the bakery, next thing I know I'm being pushed out of the bakery.
"Okay what's going on?" I ask again wanting to know what happened, no one said anything so I walked through the door to see Farkle sitting in a booth with smackle.
"Oh. Can someone go back in and get me my croissant still?" I request sadly.
Ranboo laughs before going into the bakery and coming back out almost instantly "how many? And do you want your milk tea too?" He asks.
"As many as you can get me and yes please." I say laughing a little at how many croissants he would walk back out with.
"Ranboo I'll come with you so my mom knows it's for y/n/n." Maya says knowing Katy cared for me.
Shortly they came back out with my tea and a big bag of pastries, as well as drinks for everyone else.
"Wow that's a lot of croissants. Thanks guys." I say only for maya to start trying to drag me to the car again.
"Y/n they're about to close, we have to go, Farkle will be coming out soon." Maya and ranboo say hurriedly.
"I'm going to wait for him, ranboo you brought your keys right?" I ask my brother so he can let them all into the apartment.
"Yea I have my keys, but y/n/n are you sure you want to do this?" He asks concerned.
"Yes ran, I'm 100% sure. I have to do this. For my own sake." I said walking into the bakery.
"Hey Katy, anything I can help you with? I'm pretty bored."
"Yea, uhm come with me." She said before taking me to the back room.
"What are you doing here. Maya told me the situation with Farkle. You know he's here." Katy asked me sounding like I was out of my mind.
"I know but I can't just avoid him because he went out with smackle, that would be ridiculous." I stated as we walk back out of the back with cleaning supplies.
" Fine but go talk to him at least. Please y/n for me?" Katy knows how I get when it comes to hope and love. I shut down, I don't talk as often, I get boring.
"I will, Katy, I promise." I say before turning around and coming face to face with Farkle.
"Hey y/n what are you doing here?" He asked me.
"Just helping ms Hart. What about you? What are you doing here." I 'ask' knowing full well he was probably on a date with smackle.
"I assume you saw the group chat right? Well I was telling her as nicely as I can that I like someone else. I hadn't realized that I like the person until After the groupchat conversation happened." He told me, I know he wouldn't lie to me so he's being honest.

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